  Top >>KEK News >>Vol.6 No.1 >>Events
February 13-16
The 7th Accelerator and Particle Physics Institute (APPI02) was held in the town of Appi located north of Honshu. Participants were 12 from overseas, 22 from Japan.

March 6
Professor Sheldon Lee Glashow gave a talk at KEK Colloquium titled as “Elementary particles and the Universe”.

March 7-9
International Workshop on Future Muon Science was held to understand the present activities and future perspectives in the fields of muon-related science. Participants were 70 from Japan and 21 from overseas.

March 18
KEK cerebrated the 20th year of KEK Photon Factory. The cerebration Party was followed by series of talks.

March 28-29
The 2nd Korea-Japan meeting on Neutron Science to promote collaborations were held in KEK. Participants were 11 from overseas, 35 from Japan.

image_e1 June 6
The KEK-JAERI Joint Project on High Intensity Proton Accelerators entered into the construction stage. A small Japanese Shintoh style ground breaking ceremony was held at the Tokai site.

June 10-12
The 13th Summer School of the Graduate University for Advanced Studies was held in KEK. (65 participants)

July 18
Annual KEK Summer Beer Party was very lively with over a 1000 participants. Authentic Indian curries cooked by people from India were very popular. They tasted great!

September 1
Annual KEK Open House was visited by over 2300 visitors.

October 8
Among the announced 2002 Nobel prize winners was Prof. Masatoshi Koshiba for his great contribution to neutrino astrophysics. (See this link)

Ocober 9
Prof. Gerardus t’Hooft gave a talk at KEK, after attending “International Conference on Particle and Nuclei (PANIC02)” held at Osaka University.

October 19-28
Asian Science Seminar “Synchrotron Radiation Science”, sponsored by JSPS, and jointly organized by KEK and Al-Balqa’ Applied Univ. of Jordan was held at the latter location to introduce the Photon Factory (SEMAMI) in the Middle East. (101 participants)

image_e3 October 26
KEK B-factory achieved the luminosity of 100 inv. fb which is a record for collider-type accelera-tors. It was cerebrated at a party on the 28th with Dr. Burton Richter and Prof. Masatoshi Koshiba attending. (picture below)

October 29
Prof. Burton Richter gave a talk titled as "Living with the Devil: Reconciling Increased Energy Demand and Global Warning".

November 3
image_e4 Prof. Yoji Totsuka received the Cultural Merit award from the Emperor for his outstanding work on neutrino astrophysics field.

November 5
As a part for KEK Art Festival, a concert by Mr. Tei Hou (BandNeon) and Mr. Gentaro Takada (guitar) charmed the audience. The concert was titled as "From Classic Tango to Piazzolla".
1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan
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