February 12, 2003
ACFALC Symposium was held at Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCAL). [45/270]
February 13
International Steering Committee for the Promotion of Linear Collider was held at Tsukuba International Congress Center.
February 13-14
ICFA Meeting was held at EPOCAL.
February 23-March 1
International Symposium and Workshop on Hadron Spectroscopy, Chiral Symmetry and Relativistic Description of Bound Systems was held at KEK and Nihon University.
February 25-28
Accelerator and Particle Physics Institute was held at APPI (Iwate). [12/33]
March 3-7
International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics (LEAP03) was held at Yokohama.
March 10-14
Workshop on Accelerator Operation (WAO2003) was held at KEK. [55/45]
April 4
Professor M. J. Veltman, the 1999 Nobel Prize Laureate, gave a talk at KEK.
April 8
"International Hanami party" was held under the KEK Cherry blossoms.
April 19
K2K-II Commencement Ceremony was held at KEK, The Honorable John H. Marburger III, Science Advisor to the President of United States of America and Professor Koshiba, the 2002 Nobel Prize Laureate, were among the
May 9
KEK Concert "The History of Harpsicode Music" by Natsuko Uemura
May 28
KEK 30tn Anniversary ceremony was held at GAKUJUTSU SOGO Center in Tokyo. Participants
were over 350.
Jun 18-20
The 14th Summer School of the Graduate University for Advanced Studies was held in KEK. and 95 students and young researchers attended.
Jun 26
KEK Concert "Amazing Grammophone" by Kaichi Hagiwara
July 2-3
KEK-UCLA Joint Workshop on KEK Archives Project was held at KEK. [4/30]
July 7-11
FFAG Accelerator Workshop (FFAG03) was held at KEK. [11/29]
July 15-19
The XXI International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory was held at the Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCAL). [229/93]
July 31-August 7
The 28th International Cosmic Ray Conference was held at Tsukuba International Congress Center.
August 5-7
Ancient slat pan was discovered during the construction of JPARK. KEK invited local elementary school students to participate the excavation study.
September 3
KEK Concert "The Pleasure of Flute Music" by Keiichi KONDO and Mayumi Ogawa.
September 15
Annual KEK Open House was visited by over 3,900 visitors.
October 30-31
International Symposium on Neutron Science of J-PARC was held at KEK. [41/96]
November 25-30
The 4th International Workshop on Neutrino Beams and Instrumentation (NBI2003) was held at KEK. [23/40]
November 28
KEK Concert "The Color of the Trumpet Sound" by Kana Madarame.
November 30-December 5
The 6th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology was held at Shonan Village Center and Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Hayama, Kanagawa). [29/45]
December 1-5
The 9th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT03) was held at KEK. [75/35]
February 16-20, 2004
Accelerator and Particle Physics Institute was held at APPI (Iwate). [22/14]
February 23-24
The 4th Korea-Japan meeting on Neutron Science was held at KEK.
February 23-25
Neutrino Mass and Seesaw Mechanism was held at KEK.