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1 SIM card & iphone & Cell phone

 How to use the Handset(Cell-phone) in Japan

 The way a foreigner uses a Handset (Cell phone) in Japan has the following methods.

 A Prepaid SIM Card for Foreign Visitors to Japan

  The "Japan Travel SIM powered by IIJmio," a package of prepaid SIM card is sold from April 1, 2015 at 12 locations managed by Nissan Car Rental Solutions Co., Ltd. This mobile data communications service is meant for use by foreign visitors and temporary returnees to Japan.
You can purchase it at Narita Airport #1 and #2, etc.

More Information:



 Usable methods are defferent by a stay.

  Short-stay(Stay within three months)

 1 A Cell phone of its own country is carried in and it uses at an international-roaming charge as it is in

 2 You rent iphone SIM card for the inside of Japan at an airport of Japan and insert it in an SIM-free 3G
  mobile phone an use it during a stay.
   shikakuSoftBank website : ya
   ※The Docomo and au does not rent the SIM card.

 3 You rent a cell-phone for the inside of Japan at an airport of Japan and use it during a stay.

  The fees for rental phones vary and usually consist of the rental fee plus a usage fee. All of the
  companies at the airports have same day rentals, while some companies offer discounts for advanced
  Fees of SoftBank: ya

  shikaku Website of Cell Phone Rental At Narita Airport: ya
  shikaku Website of Cell Phone Rental At Haneda Airport:

 4 You rent a SIM for exclusive use of data or Wi-Fi for the inside of Japan and use it.
   shikakuau Wi-Fi website : ya
   shikakuTelecomSpare website : ya

  Long-Stay(Stay over three months)

 1 You purchase a Cell-phone or Prepaid phone(※1) in Japan and use it.
  shikakuau website : ya
  shikakuSoftBank website: ya 
  shikakuDocomo website: ya

  (※1) Prepaid phones start around 3000 yen. Credit, which is used for outgoing calls, email, internet,
  etc. depending on what features your phone supports, must be purchased in advance. With most
  companies, incoming calls are free and outgoing calling rates are comparable to those of rental phones.
  Not all prepaid SIM cards support mobile internet.

  shikakuSoftBank Website of Prepaid phones
  Plan for Short-term Residents : ya

 2 You rent a SIM for exclusive use of data or Wi-Fi for the inside of Japan and use it.
  shikakuau Wi-Fi Website:
  shikakuTelecomSpare Website:

 Thing necessary for a foreigner to contract a cell-phone in Japan 

  English and Chinese speaking staffs are available at Softbank Tsukuba Chuo store but Please inform the
  date and time before you come to a store. (Tsukuba Mitsui Bldg. 2F, Tel: 029-861-0808)

 At the time of a contract, "a Residence Card" is necessary.

 pinThings required at the time of a contract

  1 Certificate of Alien Registration or Residence Card
    Valid alien registration or resident card and passport; period of stay must be valid for at least 90
   days from application date.

  2 Passport

  3 You can pay the fees with credit card or by direct debit from a bank account or Japan Post Bank
   savings account.
   Credit card used for monthly payment bearing same name, address, and date of birth as application.

   shikaku Pay by credit card (In the case of soft bonk)

  Any of the following credit cards is accepted.
Payment must be made by credit card by customers who verify personal identification with Passport and Certificate of Alien Registration and purchase SoftBank handset via New Super Bonus (installment payment).

   shikaku Items required to pay by bank transfer/withdrawal(Japan Post bank)
   ・Seal/signature for account
   ・Seal/signature for banking institutions
   ・Banking institution name, branch name, account number, and file copy (bank book, etc.) for
    account holder (needed when proceeding with account transfer)

  4 Payment for handset and Contract handling fee 3150 yen.
    The main body charges of the cell-phone become the lump sum payment

    shikaku All of ,icon_01icon_02icon_03icon_04 needs the normal contracts.
    shikaku icon_01icon_02icon_04 needs the prepaid method contract.

  5 A landline phone number in Japan where you can be reached. Your residential address in Japan.

  6 Letter of Consent

 updated: 2015-09-09