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2 Immigration Bureau

 Immigration Bureau Map


 Tokyo Immigration Bureau  

 Address : 5-5-30 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo Pref. Post Code: 108-8255 / Telephone : 03-5796-7111

 Reception Hours : Weekday, 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00.
          However, Application Reception desk, Permission, Stamp Reception desk, Re-entry
          Permission Reception desk are open 9:00 - 16:00.

  <Information and Map of Reception desk ya(pdf)> <Webside of Immigration Bureau ya>

 Get a Number ticket and wait at the waiting area. When your number is called from counter, go to the
 counter which your number is called.

 pin Access to Tokyo Immigration Bureau

    K E K
     ya1  Local Bus < Timetable ya>
  Tsukuba Center
     ya1  on foot
  Tsukuba Station
     ya1  Tsukuba Express < Timetable ya>
  TX Akihabara Station
     ya1  on foot
  JR Akihabara Station
     ya1  JRYamanote Line or Keihin-tohoku Line
  JR Shinagawa Station East entrance
     ya1  Bus (Bus route number is 品99 )
  Tokyo Immigration Bureau
     <Shinagawa Station Bus stop>

 Mito Immigration Office

 Address : 2-9-12 Jonan, Mito-shi Ibaraki    Telephone : 029-300-3601

  ・Reception Hours : Weekday, 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00.

 Get a Number ticket and wait at the waiting area. When your number is called from counter, go to the
 counter which your number is called.

  <Information ang Map ya(pdf)> <Webside of Immigration Bureau ya>

  pin Access to Mito Immigration Office (The Mito Immigration Office has a way of 1and 2)

1  K E K 2  K E K
    ya1  Local Bus < Timetable ya>     ya1  Local Bus <Timetable ya>
  Tsukuba Center   Tsukuba Center
    ya1  Local Bus < Timetable ya>     ya1  TM Liner Bus < Timetable ya>
  JR Tsuchiura Station   JR Mito Station
    ya1   JR Joban Line < Timetable ya>     ya1  on foot (about 713m, 12minutes)
  JR Mito Station    Mito Immigration Office
    ya1  on foot (about 713m, 12minutes)
  Mito Immigration Office
 updated: 2015-09-10