

Quark and Lepton Flavor Symmetry and the 126 GeV Higgs Boson

  • PLACE meeting room 1 on the ground floor of Kenkyu-Honkan Building

In the post-Higgs era, the theoretical challenge in flavor symmetry is to show how it should also predict a scalar boson very much like the observed 126 GeV particle at the LHC. I will discuss such a model of quark and lepton flavor symmetry based on $S_3$ proposed originally in 2004. I will show that this model has the unique prediction of a measurable branching fraction of up to $10^{-7}$ for $B_s \to \tau^+ \mu^-$, but that for $B_s \to \tau^- \mu^+$ is suppressed by an additional factor of $(m_\mu/m_\tau)^2$.
