2D Critical Quench,Thermalization and Non-Universality
- PLACE Kenkyu-Honkan Meeting Room 3
I will talk about about my last two papers. We studied the long time
behaviour of local observables following a quantum quench in 1+1
dimensional conformal field theories possessing additional conserved
charges besides the energy. We showed exponential approach to
equilibrium of finite sub-interval characterized by a temperature and
chemical potentials defined in terms of the quenched state. We compute the
exact wavefunction that results from a quantum quench to a vanishing
mass, in a large class of examples The resulting wavefunction is of a
generalized Calabrese-Cardy form i.e., conformal boundary state deformed
by an infinite number of charges. Special squeezed states with small
chemical potentials show equilibration to a Generalized Gibbs
Ensemble(GGE). By contrast, with general pre-quench states, including the
ground state, the chemical potentials are not small; exact correlators in
these cases, although equilibrating at long times, do not generically have a
simple thermal or GGE form even at large distances. The main lesson is
that in 2D critical quench, long time and large distance physics can be
sensitive to perturbations by high dimension operators,contrasting general
Wilsonian lore.