

From infinity to the horizon through twistor space (in English)

  • PLACE Kenkyu-Honkan 1F, Meeting Room 1

I will outline an ongoing research program, aimed at deriving the physics inside an observable patch of de Sitter space from dS/CFT. The approach is a marriage between the higher-spin realization of dS_4/CFT_3 by Strominger and the suggestion by Verlinde to consider a folded-in-half version of de Sitter space, where the information content in a causal patch is the same as at the asymptotic boundary. I will briefly describe two threads of results. The first is a completed dictionary between the CFT and the bulk causal-patch physics, in the limit of free bulk fields. The second is a new dictionary between the full boundary theory and twistor space, which should take us beyond the linearized bulk limit.
