

T-folds from Yang-Baxter deformations (in Japanese)

  • PLACE Kenkyu-Honkan 1F, Meeting Room

Yang-Baxter (YB) deformations of type IIB string theory have been well studied from the viewpoint of classical integrability.
Most of the works, however, are focused upon the local structure of the deformed geometries and the global structure still remains unclear.
In this talk, we reveal a non-geometric aspect of YB-deformed backgrounds as T-fold by explicitly showing the associated O(D,D; Z) T-duality monodromy.
In particular, the appearance of an extra vector field in the generalized supergravity equations (GSE) leads to the non-geometric Q-flux.
In addition, we study a particular solution of GSE that is obtained by a non-Abelian T-duality
but cannot be expressed as a homogeneous YB deformation, and show that it can also be regarded as a T-fold.
This result indicates that solutions of GSE should be non-geometric quite in general beyond the YB deformation.
