Exponentially suppressed cosmological constant with enhanced gauge symmetry in heterotic interpolating models (in English)
- PLACE Meeting Room 1, 1st Floor, Kenkyu-Honkan
An interpolating model is a (D- d)-dimensional string model that continuously relates two D-dimensional string models. A few nine-dimensional interpolating models with two parameters are constructed and the massless spectra are studied by considering compactification of heterotic strings on a twisted circle with Wilson line. It is found that there are some conditions between radius R and Wilson line A under which the gauge symmetry is enhanced. In particular, when the gauge symmetry is enhanced to SO(18) \times SO(14), the cosmological constant is exponentially suppressed. We also construct a non-supersymmetric string model which is tachyon-free in all regions of moduli space and whose gauge symmetry involves E_8. This talk will be based on the work with H. Itoyama, arXiv: 1905.10745.