A microscopic model for inflation from supersymmetry breaking (in English)
- PLACE Kenkyu Honkan 3F, Meeting Room 322
In this talk, I first introduce our recent proposal of a class of small-field inflation models driven by supersymmetry breaking. The inflaton is a superpartner of the goldstino of the supersymmetry breaking, and charged under a gauged U(1) R transformation. The models in this class has a linear superpotential, leading to avoiding the eta problem. Furthermore, the gauged U(1) R invariance makes the pseudo-scalar companion of the inflaton absorbed into the U(1) R gauge field, and also allows for a global minimum with tuneable cosmological constant. I introduce a concrete model in this class as an effective field theory, and propose a generalisation of Fayet-Iliopoulos model in supergravity as a microscopic model leading to this effective theory.