Novel low-energy probes of dark matter (in English)
- PLACE Kenkyu Honkan 3F, Meeting Room 322
I present a brief overview of some novel detection strategies for ultra-low-mass bosonic dark matter that forms a coherently oscillating classical field. Possible effects of such dark-matter fields include apparent time-varying fundamental constants and time-varying spin-precession effects. These effects can be sought with a diverse variety of high-precision, low-energy (and often table-top) experiments, including: spectroscopy (clock) and optical cavity measurements, laser interferometers, atom interferometers, torsion pendula (fifth-force experiments), magnetic resonance techniques, and astrophysical measurements (such as big bang nucleosynthesis). Existing and new experimental and observational data have allowed us and other groups to improve on previous observational bounds on possible non-gravitational interactions of ultra-low-mass dark matter with ordinary matter by many orders of magnitude.