#117. Tsukuba Marathon on Sunday, November 23rd. (2014.11.10)
Annual Tsukuba Marathon will be held on November 23rd,between 9:30 and 14:00.
The running route includes Higashi-Odori right in front of KEK.
There will be traffic restrictions (and traffic jam) during the time at various places in Tsukuba. Between
9:30 and 14:00, it will be quite difficult to come in or go out of KEK with a car.
See the marathon course on Tsukuba City web site;
http://www.tsukuba-marathon.com/course.html (Japanese)
KEK leaves open the south side exit near the soccer field(south of Gym and tennis court) for the duration.)
See a detour map of PDF.
If you have any reason to go out or come in to KEK by car,
We would recommend you to do so before 9:30 or after 14:00.
※The Kanto-tetsu-do bus is canceled at the following time
1)From Tsukuba Center to KEK :9:35,10:55,13:20
2)From KEK to Tsukuba Center :9:05,10:25,11:50,14:20
※The Tsuku buses leave from Tsukuba center (during 9:20~13:25) will not stop at KEK.
Please get off at Oho Madoguchi center when you visit KEK.
The buses from KEK to Tsukuba center run as a usual schedule.