#148. KEK User Support System will be shut off (2016.2.03)
The User Support System will be temporarily shut off during the below period due to
the maintenance works.
Date: March. 11(Fri.), 6:00 p.m. (JST) to March. 14.(Mon.), 8:00 a.m. (JST)
Regarding Accommodation Booking
If you have a plan to stay at KEK accommodation on March 12(Sat), March 13(Sun)
and March 14(Mon), Please make a reservation until 6:00 p.m, March 11 (JST)
We are so sorry for your inconvenience.
If you have any questions to the above Notice, please kindly contact us to the following
email address.
KEK User Support: KRSsupport@ml.post.kek.jp
In addition, about booking on the day, please contact a superintendent at Dormitory.
Accommodation (Dormitory): 029-864-5574 (Tsukuba)
029-284-4947 (Tokai) |