Photon Factory



KEK Publication Database

KEK compiles a database of scientific output using any KEK facilities including PF. Any users of PF should register their own publication, thesis etc. which includes the experimental results at PF to the database. This database should require the ID of the KEK User Support System.

KEK Publication Database

If you were not sure that your publication should be registered or not, please refer to the following Q&A.

Papers should be registered : Q&A

If you don't have an ID of the KEK User Support System, you can use another database to search papers related to PF.

KEK-PF Publication Database 

Outputs form the KEK Research Activities

The database gives the list of the scientific outputs by KEK staff members. The list consists of three sub-lists; Articles in the Periodical Journals, Articles in Proceedings and Others, and Articles as the KEK Publications.

Outputs form the KEK Research Activities

Photon Factory Highlights (PF Highlights)

"PF Highlights" is an annually-published booklet covering scientific highlights of Photon Factory.

Photon Factory Highlights

Photon Factory Activity Report (PFACR)

PFACR is an annually-published booklet covering activities of Photon Factory. Every principal investigator needs to submit, in principle, at least one user report per research program.

Photon Factory Activity Report


You can download some brochures from the IMSS site.
