理系女子キャンプ 2017


御手洗容子 Yoko MITARAI


御手洗容子 Yoko Yamabe-Mitarai 東京工業大学の金属工学科に入学し、そこで博士課程まで修了し、博士(工学)号を取得しました。大学では、耐熱金属材料として当時注目されていたTiAlの相変態の研究を行いました。博士号を取得した後、日本学術振興会の研究生となり、イギリスのマンチェスター大学に8か月滞在してTiAlの研究を続けました。その後、金属材料技術研究所(現在の物質・材料研究機構)に就職し、耐熱材料の研究室に所属して、イリジウムという金属を使った超高温材料(1800℃で使用)の研究を行いました。現在は、高温で作動する形状記憶合金や、耐熱Ti合金の研究を行い、飛行機のジェットエンジンや火力発電所などの高温機器の燃焼効率を上げる材料の開発を目指しています。




苔山圭以子 Keiko KOKEYAMA


苔山圭以子、Keiko KOKEYAMA

お茶の水女子大学博士後期課程課程修了後、ポスドク研究員としてイギリスのバーミンガム大学で欧州の次世代重力波プロジェクトの基礎研究を行いました。その後、米国の重力波検出器プロジェクト Advanced LIGO に参加しました。当時、ちょうどインフラの整備が終わり、検出器のさまざまなパーツがインストールされている時期で、いよいよ検出器のコミッショニングが始まろうとしていた時期でした。私は、2台あるLIGO検出器のうちのひとつ、ルイジアナ州のリビングストン観測所にて、Advanced LIGO 検出器を安定に稼働させるためのさまざまな研究を行いました。LIGOでの研究は大変なことも多かったですが、とても勉強になりました。私は現在は、日本の重力波検出器プロジェクトであるKAGRAの稼働を目指し、日々地下トンネルに潜りいろいろな実験や調整を行っています。




Marie Emmanuelle Couprie


Marie Emmanuelle Couprie

Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie graduated from École Normale Supérieure de Jeunes Filles, shed received her PhD in 1989 on storage ring Free Electron Lasers, and Habilitation to Direct Research in 1977 at Orsay University. She has more than 25 years of experience in synchrotron radiation and Free Electron Laser (FEL), where intense radiation is generated on particle accelerators. She worked in LURE (Laboratoire d’Utilisation du Rayonnement Electromagnétique in Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique) on the ACO storage ring FELs, ACO (France), the second worldwide FEL, on Super-ACO where she launched the first FEL applications in UV and two-colour applications with VUV synchrotron radiation, and under collaborations (VEPP3 (Russia) for FEL linewidth narrowing, ELETTRA (Italy), UVSOR (Japan)). Then, she moved to FEL on linear accelerators, led the ARC-EN-CIEL project and collaborated with SCSS Test Accelerator in Japan, SPARC in Italy for first seeding with high order harmonics in gas. She is at Synchrotron SOLEIL since 2006 as head of the Magnetism and Insertion device group, where she also leads the LUNEX5 project of compact advanced FEL in France, with several R&D programs (for example, the European Research Council Advanced Grant COXINEL that she obtained for demonstration of FEL amplification with laser plasma accelerated electrons, a cryogenic undulator, FEL shaping studies..). She is a member of the French Physical Society, and of the Accelerator Group of European Physical Society. She received different awards (Aumale Prize (French Academy of Science (1993)), prize of the Interdivision of Accelerator and Associated Technologies / French Physical Society (2001), International FEL prize (2001), Chevalier of the order of Academic Palms (2002)). She supervised 12 PhD students.

M.E. Couprie さんは自由電子レーザー(Free electron laser, FEL)を生成する加速器の研究者です。
一方で、FELは、周期的な磁場中で電子を蛇行させて、強い光を狭い範囲に集中して放射させる光源であり、 波長を比較的自由に選ぶことができます。またX線という非常に波長の短い光を発振することができるため、 物質の極めて細かい構造の解析などの最先端の研究に使われています。


With the dream to do research, i.e. to participate to the quest of knowledge and I had the chance to enter Ecole Normale Supérieure de Jeunes Filles. This specific French Institute of higher education (1881-1985) for women was created in 1881 after opening high school (Lycée) to girls, to educate them for becoming teachers. In 1987, it was stated that it should deliver a high level cultural and scientific education to women for them to become teachers in high school and university, researchers and more generally serve in the high level administration and companies. In such an environment, it was natural to envision a scientific career with the present and former examples of teacher, such as Marie-Curie.
My present field of research is the generation of light using particle accelerator, which are called light sources. On third generation one where I work now at SOLEIL, radiation is produced from the infra-red to the X-ray, for the investigation of matter. On fourth generation light sources, we even generate a very intense laser light, which can cover a broad spectral range (from infra-red to X-ray). The advent of these specific lasers is a king of second revolution after the laser invention in 1960, since it enables to investigate dynamical processes (in doing molecular movies).
This scientific work in fact presents many aspects. There is a large variety of work, from managing a big project to dealing with equation and fundamental processes. Wonder and great pleasure arise from the beauty of physics in front the simplicity of a model explaining some phenomenon, or ideas leading to new devices; and more generally from the creativity process. Training, educating students and transmitting knowledge are also essential. Research is as welle an opening to the world, with its international community.
