アパート探し Finding Apartment
When looking for a room for rent in Tsukuba, we recommend you first consult your host organization or the Users Office. In addition to privately owned apartments, the Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST) runs a guesthouse, Ninomiiya House, for non-Japanese researchers.
【二の宮ハウス Ninomiya House】
Stay period: min. 15 days; max. 5 years
シングルルーム(1人用:34㎡) Single Room (for 1: 34㎡) | \76,000/月 mon. | \2,533/日 day |
ダブルルーム(2人用:63㎡) Twin Room (for 2: 63㎡) | \100,000/月 mon. | \3,334/日 day |
Rooms are all furnished.
Utilities, phone fee and community facility fee are charged additionally.
Consumption tax is added for the stay of less than 30 days.
Rent is payable in cash in Japanese Yen only.
申込受付 Applications Accepted Starting:
21日以上の滞在: When staying for 21 days or longer: | 入居の6か月前より受付 6 months before move-in date |
21日未満の滞在: When staying for 20 days or less: | 入居の2か月前より受付 2 months before move-in date |
The Ninomiya House is centrally located in the city of Tsukuba; You need to drive or take a bus to commute to KEK.
The Ninomiya House is centrally located in the city of Tsukuba; You need to drive or take a bus to commute to KEK.
【民間経営アパート Privately-Run Apartments】
There are a plenty of real estate agent companies in Tsukuba. Some of them have their own websites, but browsing on comprehensive real estate listing websites such as SUUMO and HOME’S may be a good place to start (although these websites are often in Japanese only). A lot of real estate agents in Tsukuba only speak Japanese. One exception is the real estate company, Issei Shoji They have some agents who speak English and Chinese. When seeking their assistance, make sure you contact them by phone or through their website first.
Utilities such as electricity, gas and water are usually not included in rent. Your real estate agent can provide information on how to find their providers and apply for their usages.