Notification of Moving-in, Health Insurance, Pension, and Mynumber
Long-term residents (90 days or longer) must bring their resident card and complete the moving-in procedures at the City Hall.
Notification of moving in
Foreign residents who are eligible to receive a Residence Card need to do a procedure of notice of “Moving-in Notification” at the Tsukuba City Hall(Shimin-ka), when deciding on a new address. Please bring your Residence Card and Passport.
■For details on the moving-in procedure at Tsukuba City Hall, please refer to the
Tsukuba City website.
My number
After having done a notice of Moving-in, a My number "notification card" is sent to your address. Please keep it carefully.Reissue fee is 500 yen.
Health Insurance and Pention
Please refer to pages 2-3 of the “Handbook for Long-stay” in the “Tsukuba Life Handbook” page for the process of joining health insurance and pension (and applying for exemption ) upon moving in.