KEK アパート・ドミトリーの居住者は、ドミトリー前の広場に避難してください。
<KEKの避難場所 Map >
Confirm temporary refuges and evacuation routes.
The residents of an apartment and dormitory to take refuge in the open space in front of a dormitory which Temporary Gathering Area.
<Evacuation area Map >
Store heavy items at lower position so as not to be injured when they fall.
Talk with your family on the contact procedure and places to meet in advance.
After a disaster, supply of essentials may stop for a few days. Plan for quantity of stockpiles and storage
for essentials to be taken out in case of emergency.
・ 飲料水(1人1日3リットルが目安です)
・ 食料(缶詰・インスタント食品・菓子など)
・ 懐中電灯、予備電池
・ 下着、タオル、ティシュペーパー
・ 医薬品
・ ラジオ
・ 小銭(公衆電話噐用)
・ パスポート、在留カード、通帳、保険証など

Essential emergency supplies list
・ Food and water (roughly 3 days of food for entire family and 3 liters of water per person a day)
・ First-aid kit, medicine, etc.
・ Portable radio, flashlight, batteries
・ Cash and valuables
・ Clothes
・ Towels
・ Medication
・ Passport, Residence Card |
地震が発生した時はどうするの? How to behave when an earthquake Strikes? |
KEKつくばキャンパス内にいる時に地震が発生したら? Inside of the KEK Tsukuba Campus |
緊急地震速報 Earthquake Early Warning
日本語で流れます。流れる放送内容(例)は、「震度×× ビー、ビー、ビー、10、9、8・・・・・0」です。
In case when an earthquake of more than seismic intensity 4 on the scale is predicted in the vicinity of
KEK, Earthquake Early Warning (EEW ; seismic intensity and arrival time) will be announced by an
announcement broadcast at KEK Tsukuba campus in Japanese. Example of the announcement:
“Shindo XX, beep beep beep, ju, kyu, hachi・・・zero” which means the size of the seismic intensity,
some beeps and countdown to the earthquake "Shindo XX, beep beep beep ten, nine, eight・・zero”.
Do not panic, secure your head and hide under a strong desk etc. Do not rush outside.
地震直後の行動 Right after Earthquake
火を使っている時は、揺れがおさまってから、あわてずに火の始末をしましょう。 出火した時は、落ちついて
インフォメーションセンター #3399に連絡。消火ができる状況なら消火しましょう。
Keep calm. Check all fire sources. Put out fire quickly.
・If you were using any sources of fire or heat, turn them off when the shaking comes down.
・If a fire occurred, contact Information Center at 3399. Try to fight the fire before they arrive, if you
are sure that you can keep your safety.
Don't rush out in a panic. Watch out for falling objects.
Secure your head for broken glass, signboards, and evacuate to designated public building or park.
In KEK there are several Temporary Gathering Areas.
At KEK, emergency broadcasting both in Japanese and English will flow after the earthquake of 4 in
the scale of seismic intensity.
Keep away from Streetlights and walls.
If you feel an earthquake while being outside, stay away from Streetlights and walls etc.
Moves to the Temporary Gathering Area.
If you escape safely, let's take refuge in a Temporary Gathering Area and report safety to a
responsible person.
The residents of an apartment and dormitory should gather at the open space in front of a dormitory
where is the Temporary Gathering Area.
地震後の行動 After Earthquake
Follow the directions of a responsible person.
KEK外にいる時に地震が発生したら? Outside of the KEK |
Keep away from vending machines, concrete block walls, electric poles, or other hazards. Stay in a
safe building or evacuate to a spacious place
If an earthquake occurs while you are using an elevator, press all the floor buttons and get off
immediately on whichever floor it stops. If trapped inside, press an emergency-call button and wait
for help.
In a Mass Retail Shop or Crowded Public building
In a mass retail shop, you should move away from showcases or merchandise shelves that may fall
over, and protect yourself from danger.
In a movie theater or other places, you should protect your head with a bag or other things.
Lie flat quickly between the seats, and other places. Find an open space to protect yourself from
Follow advices of attendants.
Slowly reduce your speed, find safe place, and park your car on the left. Listen to the car radio to
obtain disaster information.
階段などでは転倒して 危険です。冷静に係員の指示に従いましょう。
・Don't panic even if the electricity goes out.
・Don't rush to stairs or emergency exits. When so many people rush to one place in a hurry, they are
more likely to fall down on the stairs. Follow advices of attendants.
Don't panic, and follow advices of a train attendant. Don't attempt to exit from the train.
You will be exposed to the risk of electrical shock or be hit by another train.
There is no telling when tsunami strikes. When there are strong tremors near coasts in the sea, move
inland to higher ground immediately. Don't wait for a tsunami warning to be issued.
Move as far away from a mountain or cliffs as possible if you are near, and evacuate to a flat and
災害用伝言ダイヤルのサービスについて Emergency Message Board |
詳しい説明は、各Webサイトをご覧下さい。Please visit each Websaite to see detailed explanation.
災害伝言ダイヤル Disaster Emergency Message Dial (171)
http://www.ntt-east.co.jp/saigai/voice171/ (Japanese)
Disaster Emergency Message Dial (171) is a voice message board that is provided when a disaster
such as an earthquake or volcanic eruption occurs, and is required when communication traffic to the
disaster- stricken area increases and it is difficult to get through.
The telephones that can be used for Disaster Emergency Message Dial are fixed telephones, INS-Net*,
public telephones, optical fiber telephones*, and special public telephones that are provided at
evacuation centers by NTT during a disaster.
http://www.ntt-east.co.jp/en/saigai/voice171/index.html (English)
Docomo災害用安否確認Webサイト: http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/info/disaster/index.html (Japanese)
NTT Docomo is the predominant mobile phone operator in Japan.
Docomo has a disaster status confirmation service.
Please visit the NTT docomo website to see more information:
http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/info/disaster/index.html (English) |