News Asian Accelerator Plaza English

Status of the Taiwan Photon Source
- the new accelerator project in the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center

The first Taiwan synchrotron light source (Taiwan Light Source, TLS) situated at the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) has been in operation for nearly sixteen years. Facing the increasing numbers of users both in domestic and aboard, user demands for hard X-ray, and near consumption of all the TLS beam ports, NSRRC started its planning in February 2001 and currently has entered its construction stage of building another synchrotron light source, Taiwan Photon Source (TPS).

The TPS will be equipped with an accelerator of 3 GeV electron energy, 518.4 meters in circumference, and a low-emittance synchrotron storage ring. As part of the major advanced scientific research projects under National Science Council in Taiwan, the new facility (TPS) will be built at the current site, sitting next to NSRRC existing facility. During the early stage, preserving the green land and trees and minimizing environmental impact, played an important part of site planning, while bided by guidelines of Environmental Protection Administration. The donut-shaped civil building is one with 659.7 meters in circumference, serving special need for both the storage ring and booster ring, and circling the existing Administration building, as a strategy of effective usage of land and cost saving.

Since the first official proposal of TPS submitted to governmental institutes of authority in 2006, conceptual design of major systems have been completed, and currently 3 systems are under construction stage, namely Linac, cryogenic system and RF transmitter, with remaining waiting for open bid or outsourcing for production.

TPS project is under the supervision of Executive Yuan of Taiwan R.O.C., the Legislative Yuan, Council for Economic Planning and Development, National Science Council, Atomic Energy Council, Environmental Protection Administration, Science

Park Administration, Machine Advisory Committee, and various Accelerator and Research Review Committees.

NSRRC website: