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3GeV Synchrotron (RCS)
Neutrino Facility (Target station)A neutrino beam generated in J-PARC is shot towards the Super Kmiokande detector located at Kamioka, Gifu, which is 295km away to capture neutrino-oscillation, a phenomenon of newtrino changing into a different type of neutrino. We will shed light on the nature of the neutrino to get deeper understandings into various fundamental issues on elementary particles.
Near neutrino detector
Materials & Life Science FacilityUsing neutron and muon beams, the function of materials and the mechanism of life activity for living matter are observed and studied at an atmic and molecular level. Research in various fields, from basic research to applied research are conducted.
50GeV Synchrotron (MR)
Hadron Physics FacilityUsing beams of kaon and others,nuclear physics and particle physics researches are carried out on subjects such as new form of nuclear matter and the origin of hadron mass, symmetry breaking of matter and animatter and so forth.
Facilities and Components
- Linac
- 3GeV Synchrotron (RCS)
- Neutrino Facility (Target station)
- Near neutrino detector
- Materials & Life Science Facility
- 50GeV Synchrotron (MR)
- Hadron Physics Facility
Proton Paths
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