Re: Preventive measure against the Influenza A(H1N1) (Swine Flu) epidemic
With the new Influenza A(H1N1) (or
Swine flu) infections now being reported in many countries including Japan, the Government is taking necessary actions to prevent further spread of the viruses beyond the quarantine of Japanese airports. The Government also urges various public institutes to take appropriate measures against the pandemic. Given these circumstances, KEK decided to ask all employees, visitors and guests to refrain from visiting the KEK campus (including dormitories and apartments) for three days after their entry to Japan, if they have been to any one of the countries currently defined by WHO (see the list below) for the last 7 days prior to their arrival to Japan. This decision has been made in order to observe the governmental regulations which would impose KEK to be closed out once any infection is found on site. Your understanding and cooperation will be greatly appreciated. This preventive measure will further be reviewed within next 10 days as the situation evolves.
Any person fits within the above condition is advised to contact officials such as the spokesperson of your research group or KEK Users Office (see below) as soon as possible, and inform them the country of stay, and the best way to make a contact with you. For the first 7 days after your entry to Japan, please keep measuring the body temperature at least twice a day (morning and afternoon).
If any of the flu symptoms such as quick rise of your body temperature above 38 deg.C (100 deg.F), coughing, joint pain, has experienced, contact the nearest public health center before directly visiting a medical institution. Do NOT go to a hospital or clinic unless instructed to do so. For the person who has trouble communicating in Japanese, a local public health center will arrange the interpreter to ask your health condition. Make sure to have your phone number with you for them to take your number.
If no symptom shows up during the three-day period, you may enter the KEK campus on the condition of measuring the body temperature twice a day and wearing a surgical mask whole time. Please prepare your own thermometers and masks.
Please record your body temperature in the designated sheet below:
EXCEL FILE in Japanese :
PDF FILE in Japanese:
EXCEL FILE in English:
PDF FILE in English:
If you have problem downloading any files, please contact Users Office for help.
(Tsukuba Campus) users.office
(J-PARC Campus) j-uo
Please submit a hard copy or electronic copy of the record to either Users Office (KEK or J-PARC) whenever possible.
Please note that above requirements will NOT apply if you started from a country not listed as an infected country, and traveled to Japan via a listed country but stayed in the country for no more than 6 hours. If you left a listed country at least 8 days prior to your arrival, you are also exempt from the above requirement.
For any questions, please contact KEK Users Office ext. 6135
Thank you for your cooperation. Director General Atsuto Suzuki
Countries known to be affected by influenza A(H1N1) (
Swine Flu) as of May 11, 2009:
Mexico, the United States, Canada, Spain, New Zealand, Israel, the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, China (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and mainland China), France, Republic of Korea, Costa Rica, Italy, Ireland, Colombia, El Salvador, Portugal, Guatemala, Sweden, Poland, Brazil, Argentina, Panama, Australia, Norway
(Please be aware that there would be more countries infected as time progresses.)
Public Health Centers: ('Ho-Ken-Jyo' in Japanese)
Tsukuba office: 029-851-9287
(If you call them in English, they will call you back after they find someone who understands English. Please be ready to provide your contact phone number. They currently receive calls during weekends and holidays as well.)