Photon Factory


Muon Science

Muons behave like electrons and light photons in that they interact with normal matter. This makes them useful tools for exploring the inside of materials.

One important experimental technique which the team uses is called Muon Spin Rotation / Relaxation / Resonance (μSR). μSR is used to map magnetic fields inside matter on a nanometer scale by means of muons shot into samples. Using this technique, scientists can examine the magnetic properties of materials. For example, they can examine the magnetic flux through type-II superconductors, and [determine][simulate][?] the location of the trace amounts of hydrogen atoms contained in some materials. Other examples include studies of muon-catalyzed fusion and the non-destructive analysis of the interior of solids, which takes advantage of the fact that negatively charged muons behave as heavy electrons.

An iron-based superconducting material (Ba0.6K0.4)Fe2As2 was studied with μSR.

Temperature-dependence of the muon spin relaxation rate in an iron-based superconducting material.