放射光セミナー 物構研セミナー
Advances in storage technology for low energy positrons in the past 10 years have produced a wealth of new and exciting advances in
antimatter-matter interactions involving positrons and positronium. New generation buffer gas traps have enabled the storage, and cooling, of large numbers of positrons
which have been used for a range of experimental breakthroughs - from the production and storage of antihydrogen, to the formation of di-positronium.
This talk will outline these technological developments and the way in which we have used them at the ANU for studies of positron interactions with atoms, molecules and materials, and the potential applications of these studies in biomedical and materials science.
(3 GEV程度)の中規模放射光施設によって、大型放射光施設であるESRF、APSやSPring-8に匹敵する高輝度X線性能を得ることである。
もちろん、このコンセプトの中核となるのは、KEK-PFで開発されSPring-8で熟成された真空封止アンジュレータの技術であるが、直接的きっかけを与えたのは、1996年に、BNLがSPring-8と共同で開発した極短周期真空封止アンジュレータ(周期長11 mm、最小ギャップ3 mm)である。2.7 GeVという低いビームエネルギーでX線域の高輝度放射光が実現できることを証明したのである。この成功を端緒として、世界各国においてこのコンセプトに基づく放射光施設が建設された。スイスSLS、イギリスDIAMOND、フランスSOLEIL、中国SSRFがその典型であり、引き続いてスウェーデンMAX-IV、台湾TPS、米国NSLS-II等が建設途上にある。
本セミナーでは、新世代放射光施設のためのアンジュレータ技術(X線域ではクライオアンジュレータ等、軟X線域では低軸上パワーアンジュレータ等)について紹介する。Photon Factoryにおける光源戦略構築の一助となれば幸いである。
鏡面X線反射曲線については彎曲-捻り(bent-twisted)結晶を用いて集束方向により波長lと視斜角q が連続的に変化している集束X線を作成し、それが試料により反射されたのちの強度分布を2次元ピクセルアレイ検出器にて測定し入射強度に対し規格化することにより反射曲線プロファイル全体(広いq=4p sinq/l にわたって)を得ることができる。十分な測定時間(~100-1000秒)では反射率10-10 台まで、10msecでは10-6台までの測定ができることを確かめた。光応答高分子LB膜のUV光照射による構造変化、球状タンパクの水面への吸着とunfolding過程の研究への応用を目指した予備的実験も開始した。
また、結晶トランケーションロッド曲線に関しては、円筒に曲げた結晶により得られる集束方向とX線波長(エネルギー)が1:1の対応をしている集束ビームを作成し lの変化をq の変化とすることにより、GaAs基板上のGaAs/AlAs超格子からのブラッグ反射CTR/超格子反射曲線プロファイルを測定している。十分な測定時間(~1000秒)では反射率10-10 台、1秒の測定時間では10-8台までのプロファイルが測定できている。応用実験としてフォトクロミック結晶へのUV光照射による構造変化の実時間追跡を試み始めた。
For much of the history of coherent THz pulse sources, their low
intensity has limited their application to the role of probing
materials. The development in recent years of higher energy THz
pulse sources has enabled their practical use for photo-exciting - or
"pumping" - a sample such that non-equilibrium dynamics can be studied.
In contrast to conventional laser pumping, where the source is typically
narrow-band and the pulse contains multiple cycles of the E-field, a
coherent THz pulse can have a single-cycle such that a sample's response
corresponds to the impulse delivered by the electric or magnetic field
a picosecond or faster time scale. Examples of scientific relevance
include switching behavior in ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials,
dielectric breakdown, and critical current dynamics in superconductors.
The ultra-short, high charge bunches in a photo-injected linac can serve
as such a source of THz pulses, possessing some unique qualities not
presently available in laser-based sources.
For example,
while intense mid-infrared (10's of THz) pulses with field strength
exceeding 1 MV/cm can now be produced by difference frequency generation
(DFG), such pulses are usually not single-cycle.
Additionally, the amplified laser pulses needed for DFG limits the pulse
repetition frequency such that a high average power is not easily
achieved. As has been shown successfully at the Jefferson Lab
energy recovery linac (ERL), photo-injected linacs can be operated at
10's of MHz repetition rates.
In this presentation I will review the THz source characteristics for
Source Development Laboratory (SDL) photo-injected linac in the Photon
Sciences directorate at Brookhaven Nat'l Lab and some applications in
condensed matter physics. With a bunch charge exceeding 1 nC and
bunch length well below 1 ps, this linac delivers single-cycle THz
with energies up to 100 ?J. In addition to observing a number of
novel electro-optic effects in non-linear optical crystals, we have used
these pulses to excite supercurrents in a NbN thin film and observed the
breakdown of superconductivity on a picosecond time scale.
* Supported by the U.S. Dep't of Energy under contract
Crystallographic and XAFS techniques have been the mainstay of mainstream chemistry and biology at synchrotrons, now augmented with excellent IR and other facilities. Typical questions look at structure, bonding, active centres and dynamics, catalysts and biologically active organometallics. Materials science (chemistry, physics and engineering) are increasingly investigating complex and nano-systems. Tools for greater insight experimentally, theoretically and analytically are emerging. This talk will look at: 1. organometallics, catalysts and enzymes - what we can do now which we could not do a few years ago; 2. dilute and disordered systems - where the future may lie; and 3. XAFS and XERT and the measurement of dynamical bond lengths and thermal ellipsoids and 4. new fields of nano-roughness and inelastic mean free paths. I shall mention a few theoretical (chemistry and physics) developments which help to achieve these opportunities.
Growth and properties of epitaxial Co / fluoride nanostructures on silicon
Nikolai Sokolov
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences,
St.Petersburg 194021, Russia
Recent research activities in the field of epitaxial Co / fluoride nano-
and heterostructures on silicon will be presented. The structures have
been grown and studied in the Group of Epitaxial Insulators using
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), reflection high energy electron diffraction
(RHEED), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and magneto-optical Kerr effect
measurements (MOKE). Scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM,
TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD and SXRD), photoelectron spectroscopy (XAS,
XPS) and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) studies have been
carried out in close collaboration with a number of other research
groups. The following topics will be discussed:
It is often unclear why enzymes are oligomeric. In some cases,
oligomerisation provides a means of allosteric regulation. For the
lysine biosynthetic enzyme dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS),
dimerisation provides a pocket into which the allosteric
inhibitor―lysine―can bind and inhibit catalysis. Whilst the dimer forms
the allosteric cleft and contributes the active site, the reason for
tetramerisation is less clear. The homotetrameric structure of DHDPS is
essential for enzymatic activity, since dimeric mutants of E. coli DHDPS
are much less active compared to the wild-type tetramer. We propose that
by buttressing two dimers together, tetramerisation optimises protein
dynamics for catalysis, particularly within the key catalytic triad
motif. In general DHDPS enzymes appear to have evolved three
conformations to solve the problem of excessive protein dynamics in the
dimer: 1) tetramerisation as found in bacterial species (e.g. E. coli
DHDPS), 2) tetramerisation as found in plant DHDPS enzymes, and 3) the
Staphylococcus aureus-DHDPS dimer, which has stronger contacts across
the dimer interface. I will present our ongoing work to uncover the
mechanisms of catalysis and allostery. In addition, I will include our
recent studies of the bacterial DHDPS enzymes from S. aureus, which is
the first dimeric DHDPS enzyme characterised, and Clostridium botulinum,
which shows a novel mechanism of regulation, whereby its substrate
(pyruvate) promotes oligomerisation from less active monomers and dimers
to an active tetramer.
Dobson, R. C. J.1,2
1 Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia.
2 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of
Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
[1] Fukumoto et al., PRL, 96, 097204(2006).
[2] Fukumoto et al., RSI, 79, 063903(2008).
Pixel Array Detectors (PADs) are finding wide application in synchrotron science. Pixel Array Detectors consist of a silicon detector (diode) layer and a CMOS logic layer, where each pixel in the silicon detector is connected by bump bond to a corresponding pixel in the CMOS, or "ASIC". The custom integrated circuit logic in each pixel in the ASIC processes the signal from an X-ray striking the detector. The pixel logic might integrate incoming signal, count photons, or do a combination of the two. The basic unit of the detector, a PAD module, might be 2cm by 2cm or 2cm x 8cm in area; larger area detectors are made up by tiling modules. Pixel sizes are approximately 150 microns. It is the active processing of detector signals with custom logic that differentiates a Pixel Array Detector from other detectors such as CCD detectors. Pixel Array Detectors generally have very fast read out (1-2 milliseconds) and very low point spread. Depending on the pixel design used, PADs also can have other attributes such as very high dynamic range, individual photon counting, recording of extremely high count rates, or recording extremly short bursts of x-rays.
In this talk, an overview of Pixel Array Detectors will be presented. Pixel design will be described and their strengths and weaknesses considered for
some chosen applications.
We discuss world-wide progress towards nanoscale x-ray imaging in a wide range of applications, including materials science, biology, environmental science, cultural heritage, and industrial applications. Experiments involve both soft and hard x-rays Techniques include diffractive zone plate imaging, glancing angle reflective optics, multilayer coatings, novel optics and nanoscale 3D tomographic reconstructions.
This IMSS seminar forms a part of the Cheiron School 2010 which will be held at the Spring-8 on October 9-18 as a one of important activities of the Asia-Oceania Forum for Synchrotron Radiation Research.