Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies

Unveiling the Universe

1 minutes read

Dr. Densham (middle) working on the installation of a target into an electromagnetic horn (at the JPARC Neutrino Facility, January 2020)/<i class='fa fa-copyright' aria-hidden='true'></i> J-PARC

Dr. Densham (middle) working on the installation of a target into an electromagnetic horn (at the JPARC Neutrino Facility, January 2020)/ J-PARC

Dr. Chris J. Densham at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, United Kingdom, who has been designing and developing the neutrino production target, beam window, and other components at the J-PARC neutrino facility, wins the 2021 Institute of Physics Prize for Outstanding Professional Contributions to accelerator science and technology.

For details, please check the following article.