つくばキャンパスに建設中の大型の電子・陽電子衝突型円形加速器SuperKEKBとBelle II測定器を使ったスーパーKEKBプロジェクトを行っています。 SuperKEKB加速器を使って作り出した大量のB中間子・反B中間子ペアの性質を詳しく調べることで標準理論を超えた新物理の測定に挑みます。
Dr. Minxi He at KEK Theory Center got the Outstanding Presentation Award
NCBJ in Poland, KEK and UTokyo Sign MoU to Promote Hyper-Kamiokande Project
A new logo for the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies.
【PRESS RELEASE】Internal structure of the Xi nucleus finally observed New insights into the formation of nuclei and the structure of neutron stars
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【HK Information】Groundbreaking ceremony for Hyper-Kamiokande held in Hida, Japan Due to start operation in 2027
【PRESS RELEASE】The first determination of the Xi hypernuclear mass - New insights toward understanding of the origin of nuclei and structure of neutron stars -
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1 minutes read
つくばキャンパスに建設中の大型の電子・陽電子衝突型円形加速器SuperKEKBとBelle II測定器を使ったスーパーKEKBプロジェクトを行っています。 SuperKEKB加速器を使って作り出した大量のB中間子・反B中間子ペアの性質を詳しく調べることで標準理論を超えた新物理の測定に挑みます。
Unveiling the Universe
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (IPNS), KEK is a national institute of particle and nuclear physics in Japan. We carry out comprehensive studies on particle physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics using both theoretical and experimantal approaches.
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies.
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEK
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