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The KEK-NAOJ Joint Seminar 1st meeting

  • SPEAKER 津久井 崇史 (国立天文台 総研大5年) 他
  • PLACE Online (Zoom)
We will have a series of joint-meetings of KEK and NAOJ (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan).
The first on-line meeting is held on Oct. 1, 2021 from 10AM for 2 hours.
There are 6 pedagogical talks of 15 minutes. The slides are written in English, but most talks are given in Japanese. When the COVID19 is settled, we will plan a tour to NAOJ for graduate students.
Please come to the meeting and enjoy the talks of astrophysics.

10:00 – 10:15 津久井 崇史 (国立天文台 総研大5年):
Takashi Tsukui (NAOJ, Sokendai 5th year) “The measurement of galactic structures in a galaxy more than 12 billion years ago using the gas dynamics”


10:20 – 10:35 伊藤 慧 (国立天文台 総研大5年):
Kei Ito (NAOJ, Sokendai 5th year
“Large-scale structure and galaxy evolution in the early universe revealed by the Subaru Telescope”


10:40 – 10:55 滝脇 知也 (国立天文台 科学研究部助教):
Tomoya Takiwaki (NAOJ, Division of Science, Assistant Professor) “Neutrino oscillation in core-collapse supernovae”


11:00 – 11:15 加藤 晶大 (高エネ研 総研大3年):
Akihiro Kato (KEK, IPNS, CMB experiment, Sokendai 3rd year), “Characterization of cosmic ray noise of LiteBIRD satellite using a tunable infrared laser”


11:20 – 11:35 Rishabh Bajpai (高エネ研 総研大4年):
“Gravitational Wave Detector and Study of Cryogenic Technical Noise in KAGRA”


11:40 – 11:55 郡 和範 (高エネ研 理論センター准教授):
Kazunori Kohri (KEK, Theory Center, Associate Professor), “Theory of the Inflationary Universe: A unique bridge between astronomy and high-energy physics”
