News / Research
Report Belle II Physics Week
The Belle II Physics Week was held from Oct 30 to Nov 3, 2023 at the KEK Tsukuba campus. The event comprises a school in the morning for young students/postdocs of the Belle II experiment, and a workshop in the afternoon between theorists and experimenters on a focused theme. More than 120 participants attended on site, and more then 90% of them are from abroad.
The theme of this year’s Physics Week was the determination of |Vcb|, one of the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements, which is one of the fundamental parameters of the Standard Model of particle physics. The | Vcb| is determined from the Belle II experimental data combined with theoretical calculations. However, there has been a long-standing inconsistency between two methods, i.e. exclusive and inclusive determinations. A lot of detailed discussions were made at the workshop to understand the source of the problem, which could be in theory or experiment, or maybe both.