Photon Factory


Shipping to Photon Factory

Shipping to the Photon Factory

All the shippers (users wishing to ship materials to the Photon Factory) are requested to address the package as labeled below.

Address Label

1. In case of sending packages to the PF building

    Photon Factory Office
    Attn: Receiver's name
    c/o Experimental station (BL-×××), PF

2. In case of sending packages to the PF-AR building

    Photon Factory Office

    Attn: Receiver's name
    c/o Experimental station (N×-×××), PF-AR

Attention !
Please note that the storage place for packages sent to the PF was moved from the second floor of the PF building to the shipping room located on the first floor of the PF building.
Location of the shipping room

Shipping refrigerated and frozen items to PF
The refrigerator / freezer has been installed in the shipping room of the PF Research Building. Refrigerated / frozen items delivered will be temporarily stored in the refrigerator / freezer. As space is limited, please collect your parcels as soon as it arrives (there is another refrigerator / freezer in the Biophysics & Molecular Physiology Lab. located on the ground floor of the PF Mail Bldg., to store samples during your experiment). Please note that there is no refrigerator installed at the PF-AR courier service pick-up location.