What is CMRC?

The Condensed Matter Research Center (CMRC)was established on April 1, 2009, in the Institute of Materials Structure Science (IMSS). The objective of the CMRC is to pursue cutting-edge research on condensed matter science through the comprehensive use of multi-probes supplied by the IMSS, such as synchrotron light, neutrons, muons, and slow positrons. The CMRC is expected to be a center of excellence in the field of materials structure science through its close collaboration with researchers at universities and other institutes around the world. The center consists of 35 in-house members including 10 professors, 10 associate professors, 4 assistant professors, and 11 postdoctoral fellows. These members also collaborate on research with about 50 researchers at universities and other institutes. The in-house members also hold positions in the synchrotron radiation science division, neutron science division, and muon science division, providing user support in these facilities.

The organizational chart for the CMRC, directed by Prof. Y. Murakami, is shown below.

The advisory committee, which consists of five academic experts, provides scientific advice. The CMRC has four research groups: the correlated electron matter group (group leader [GL]: R. Kadono), the surface/interface group (GL: K. Amemiya), the matter under extreme conditions group (GL: T. Kondo), and the soft matter group (GL: H. Seto). The research subjects of these groups are matched with the areas of excellence on which the IMSS focuses attention. The groups in the CMRC promote six projects, which include interdisciplinary research among the groups. The correlated electron matter group oversees three projects and each other group oversees one project.