
Teaching Materials

We support developing and distributing teaching materials useful for teaching accelerator science, particle physics, nuclear physics, and material and life science.

Development of teaching materials

Starting JFY2024, we will support developments of teaching materials that can be used for teaching subjects in accelerator science and related fields. There are many possibilities, such as movies, simulators, developments of small accelerators and detectors, and textbooks. To exchange ideas, there will be workshops in mid-term and near the end of the fiscal year. All the produced materials will be made public for teaching and learning purposes.

We look forward to many interesting proposals.

Educational Accelerator (KETA)

KEK Education and Training Accelerator (KETA) is an electron linac made for educating university and technical college students, staff members in universities and labs, and technical staff in industry. The accelerator consist of an RF source, an electron source, an electron gun, 2-m-long accelerating cavities, and focusing magnets. It can accelerate the beam up to 25 MeV with the average current of 100 nA.

The accelerator is being used for SOKENDAI classes and KETA Seminars. We also welcome new ideas for utilizing KETA.

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Development of digital contents

We support a project reproducing KETA in a 3D virtual reality world, and developments of digital contents for learning the mechanism of accelerators.

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updated: 2024-09-20