
The purpose of the International and Inter-institution Network for Accelerator Science to Next Generation (IINAS-NX) operated by High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) is to develop researchers and supporting staff in the accelerator science and related fields over the long term. With the cooperation of domestic scientific community, industry, and foreign institutions, various schools, educational facilities, seminars, and lectures will be supported or held for people ranging from high school students to researchers, administrative staff, and technical staff.
In accordance with the decisions of the IINAS-NX Steering Committee, the IINAS-NX Promotion Office supports and implements various initiatives.
"Human resource development for the future" is one of the important missions of KEK. To further promote this mission, two projects, 加速器科学総合育成事業 (Accelerator Science Development Program) and Inter-Institution Network for Accelerator Science (IINAS), were combined, and in JFY2022, International and Inter-institution Network for Accelerator Science to Next Generation (IINAS-NX) was launched.
updated: 2025-02-17