
Foreign exchange programs for young researchers and students

We support exchanges of young researchers and students between Japan and France, and between Japan and Canada.

Japan - France
"Toshiko Yuasa" France Japan Particle Physics Laboratory (TYL-FJPPL)

We support exchanges of graduate students and young researchers between Japan and France under TYL-FJPPL.

  • JFY2023
    • Japan → France: 1 graduate student for 0.3 months
    • France → Japan: 2 graduate students for 2 months
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Japan - Canada
KEK-TRIUMF Exchange Program for Early Career Researchers (EPECR)

We support exchanges of graduate students and young researchers between Japan and Canada under EPECR.

  • JFY2023
    • Japan → Canada: 2 graduate students for 2-3 months
    • Canada → Japan: 1 postdoc for 0.5 months, 2 graduate students for 3 months
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Updated: 2024-04-14