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2 入国管理局での各種在留手続き Immigration procedures



 Foreign residents in Japan may not engage in certain activities that are unauthorized under their status
 of residence. In addition, they may not change their activities in Japan without applicable permission,
 intending to run business or engaging in an activity that will yield remuneration. If a foreign resident
 would like to engage in an unauthorized activity under his/her status of residence, the foreign resident
 must apply for changing his/her status of residence and obtain permission from Minister of Justice to do
 If a foreign resident intends to keep his/her current status of residence but wants to start an income-
 generating business or activity that is unauthorized under his/her status of residence, the foreign
 resident must obtain permission for engaging in such unauthorized activity in accordance with the
 prescribed procedures. If a foreign resident intends to stay in Japan beyond his/her period of stay,
 he/she needs to apply for extending his/her period of stay.

 各種申請書  Application forms

 1 在留資格認定証明書 ya(日本語の申請書)Application for certificate of eligibility ya(英語の申請書) 
 2 在留期間更新 ya(日本語の申請書)    Application for extension of period of stay ya(英語の申請書)
 3 在留資格変更 ya(日本語の申請書)    Application for change of status of residence ya(英語の申請書)
 4 資格外活動の許可 ya(日本語の申請書)
  Application for permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of
  residence previously granted
 5 再入国許可申請 ya(日本語の申請書) Application for Re-entry Permit ya英語の申請書)
  みなし再入国許可 A special re-entry permit system ya

 1 在留期間更新 Extension of Period of Stay: 'zairyukikan no koshin'


  If you should desire to remain in Japan under the same visa status beyond your authorized period of
 stay, you must apply for and obtain an extension of your period of stay at an Immigration office no later
 than expiration date of your authorized period of stay.

  pen 必要な書類 Documents required (Application fee is 4000yen)

   shikaku 在留期間更新許可申請書  Application for change of status of residence
   shikaku 在留カード  Residence Card
   shikaku パスポート  Passport
   shikaku 申請者の身分を明らかにする物  Documents clearly identifying the applicant's status.

   日本での活動内容に応じて提出書類が異なります。法務省のwebサイトをご覧ください 。 ya

 2 在留資格変更 Change of Status of Residence: 'zairyushikaku no henkou'


 If you desire to change your "present activity granted by visa" and want to start new activities not
 authorized under your present status of residence, you must obtain the Change of Status of Residence.

  pen 必要な書類 Documents required (Application fee is 4000yen)

   shikaku 在留資格変更許可申請書 Application for permission for a change of status of residence.
   shikaku 在留カード   Residence Card
   shikaku パスポート   Passport
   shikaku 申請理由書  Documents describing the reason for the application
   shikaku 新たな活動の具体的な内容を証明するもの。(例えば、入学許可書、招聘状、雇用契約書)
    References that certify the specific contents of the activity that the applicant will engage in
  ( for example, a certificate of admission to a school, an invitation letter, an employment contract, etc)


 3 資格外活動 
 Permission to engage in an activity other than that previously
authorized 'shikaku gai katsudo'


 Foreign national who want to engage in an activity involving the management of a business or
 remuneration other than authorized under their assigned residence status must apply for and obtain
 permission to do so in advance. 28 hours per week is the maximum permitted working hours.

 pen.必要な書類 Documents required (Application fee is free)

  shikaku 資格外活動許可申請書 Application for extension of period of stay
  shikaku 在留カード Residence Card
  shikaku 旅券  Passport
  shikaku 申請者の身分を明らかにする物  Documents clearly identifying the applicant's status.
  shikaku 資格外活動の具体的な内容を証明するもの。(例えば、雇用契約書など)
   Refernces that certify the specific contents of the activity that the applicant will engage in
  ( for example, a certificate of admission to a school, an invitation letter, an employment contract, etc)


 4 再入国の許可 Re-entry Permit : 'sai nyukoku kyoka'

 pin「みなし再入国許可」の制度が導入されました。 A Special re-entry permit system

  (注1)「 在留カードを後日交付する」旨の記載がなされた旅券や,在留カードとみなされる外国人登録証明書を
  (注2) 在留期限が出国後1年未満に到来する場合は,その在留期限までに再入国してください。

  Foreign nationals in possession of a valid passport and resident card(*1) who will be re-entering
  Japan within 1 year of their departure to continue their activities in Japan (*2) will, in principle, not
  be required to apply for a re-entry permit. ( This is called a special re-entry permit.) 

  Be sure to present your Residence card at a departure.

  Foreign nationals who have departed from Japan on a special re-entry permit will not be able to
  extend that permit while abroad. Please note that such foreign nationals will lose their resident status
  if they fail to re-enter Japan within 1 year of their departure (*2)

  (*1) The special re-entry permit system also applies to those in possession of a stating "A residence
    card is to be issued later", or an alien registration certificate deemed to be equivalent to the
    residence card.
  (*2) If your period of stay expires within 1 year after your departure, please ensure that you re-enter
    Japan before the expiration of your period of stay.

  The Special re-entry permit system does not apply to those falling under any of the following.

    ○ 在留資格取消手続中の人 Those whose resident status is in the process of revocation.
    ○ 出国確認の留保対象者 Those whose confirmation of departure is suspended.
    ○ 収容令書の発付を受けている人 Those who have received a written detention order.
    ○ 難民認定申請中の「特定活動」の在留資格をもって在留する人
    Those who are in the process of a refugee application and staying with the resident status of
    "Designated Activities"
    ○ 日本国の利益又は公安を害するおそれがあること その他の出入国の公正な管理のため再入国の許可を要する
    Those who are specified by Japan's Ministry of Justice to be a threat to Japan's national interests
    or public order, or for other good reasons to be in need of a re-entry permit for the sake of fair
    control of entries and departures.

 pin 再入国許可の有効期間の上限は「5年」です。
   The maximum validity period of a re-entry permit is set at "5 Years"

  The maximum validity period of a re-entry permit issued after implementation of the new system
  (July 9th,2012) is to be "5 years", instead of the current "3 years".

  Updated : 2015-09-01