セミナー 2020年


[cosmophys seminar] Swampland Constraints on No-Boundary Quantum Cosmology

  • SPEAKER Hiroki Matsui, KEK
  • PLACE Online (Zoom)
The Hartle-Hawking no-boundary proposal describes quantum creation of the universe
from “nothing” with geometry of zero size. We will demonstrate the incompatibility
of the no-boundary proposal and the Swampland conjectures such as (refined) dS conjecture
and distance conjecture. When we take the (refined) dS conjecture seriously,
even the classical universe (more precisely, the saddle-point solution) is not guaranteed.
Even if we somehow relax the conjectures to be consistent with the inflationary paradigm,
the probability of the classical inflationary universe is negligibly small and not consistent
with our observations.
