Superconductive gaps have topologically protected nodal structure if the fermions form the inter-chiral Cooper pair [1]. We generalize this Li and Haldane’s argument to the color superconductivity in QCD with one flavor. Among several order parameters with different spins and colors [ 2], we show that the nodes in the phases with a simple color-spin structure have the vortices characterized by the Berry monopoles, similarly to the previous literature. On the other hand, the paring function has no nodes if the color and spin degrees of freedom are entangled, such as in the ground state called the color-spin locking (CSL) phase. Even in this case, we find a non-trivial Berry curvature defined by the gap eigenvectors in the color-spin space. The CSL phase has an emergent Weyl fermion characterized by the doubled monopole charges as a quasi-particle. We discuss its possible relevance to the topological phase diagram of QCD with one flavor.
[1] Yi Li and F. D. M. Haldane, “Topological nodal Cooper pairing in doped Weyl metals,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 067003 (2018).
[2] T. Sch?fer, “Quark hadron continuity in QCD with one flavor,” Phys. Rev. D 62, 094007 (2000).