セミナー 2024年


Matching Curved Lattices to Anisotropic Tangent Planes

  • SPEAKER George T. Fleming, FNAL
  • PLACE Hybrid On-site: Kenkyu Honkan Seminar room 321, 322 Online: Zoom
Radial quantization would be the ideal formalism for studying strongly-coupled near-conformal quantum field theories but it requires the ability to perform lattice calculations on static, curved manifolds, specifically a very long cylinder whose cross section is a sphere. Smoothly discretizing the surface of a sphere requires a graph with unequal edge lengths. The geometry of such graphs is well understood since 1961 using Regge Calculus. But, lattice quantum field theories are defined in terms of couplings which appear in the action rather than edge lengths and so the relationship between couplings and lengths must be determined dynamically. A simple example is computing the ratio of spatial to temporal lattice spacings in anisotropic lattice QCD. I will discuss our conjecture that computing anisotropic lattice spacing ratios on affine transformations of regular flat lattices is sufficient to determine coupling assignments on curved lattices.
