Jongkuk Kim, KIAS
Recent B->Kνν and muon g-2 anomalies in U(1)_{L_\mu - L_\tau}- charged DM model
The Belle II collaboration recently announced that they observed the B → Kνν decay process for the first time. This dineutrino mode of B+ → K+ν¯ν has been theoretically identified as a very clean channel. However, their result encounters a 2.8σ deviation from the Standard Model (SM) calculation. On the other hand, last year, Fermilab released new data on muon (g − 2) away from the SM expectation with 5σ. In this talk, we will study the simplest UV-complete U(1)Lµ−Lτ -charged Dark Matter (DM) model.
Thanks to the existence of dark Higgs boson and dark photon in this model, we can explain the observed relic density of DM and resolve the anomalous results reported by both Belle II and Fermilab experiments simultaneously without any modification of the thermal history of the Universe.
Masanori Hanada, Queen Mary University of London
[QCD theory seminar] Color Confinement and Random Matrices
We describe how the general mechanism of partial deconfinement applies to large-N QCD and the partially deconfined phase inevitably appears between completely-confined and completely-deconfined phases. Furthermore, we propose how the partial deconfinement can be observed in the real-world QCD with the SU(3) gauge group. For this purpose, we employ lattice configurations obtained by the WHOT-QCD collaboration and examine our proposal numerically. In the discussion, the Polyakov loop plays a crucial role in characterizing the phases, without relying on center symmetry, and hence, we clarify the meaning of the Polyakov loop in QCD at large N and finite N. As a nontrivial test for our proposal, we also investigate the relation between partial deconfinement and instanton condensation and confirm the consistency with the lattice data. As a nontrivial application, we show that computation of the two-point correlator of Polyakov loops in the confined phase reduces to the problem of random walk on group manifold. As a consequence, linear confinement potential with approximate Casimir scaling follows immediately.
Len Brandes, Munich Tech U
Constraints on Phase Transitions in Neutron Star Matter
Recent inference results of the sound velocity in the cores of neutron stars are summarized. Implications for the equation of state and the phase structure of highly compressed baryonic matter are discussed. In view of the strong constraints imposed by the heaviest known pulsars, the equation of state must be very stiff in order to ensure the stability of these extreme objects. This required stiffness limits the possible appearance of phase transitions in neutron star cores. For example, a Bayes factor analysis quantifies strong evidence for squared sound velocities c_s^2 > 0.1 in the cores of 2.1 solar-mass and lighter neutron stars. Only weak first-order phase transitions with a small phase coexistence density range \Delta\rho/\rho < 0.2 (at the 68\% level) in a Maxwell construction still turn out to be possible within neutron stars. The central baryon densities in even the heaviest neutron stars do not exceed five times the density of normal nuclear matter. In view of these data-based constraints, much discussed issues such as the quest for a phase transition towards restored chiral symmetry and the active degrees of freedom in cold and dense baryonic matter, are reexamined.
Aleskey Cherman, MInnesota U
Exact lattice chiral symmetry in 2d gauge theory
Preserving the symmetries of massless fermions is a well-known challenge in lattice field theory. I’ll discuss symmetry-preserving lattice regularizations of 2d QED with one and two flavors of Dirac fermions, as well as the `3450′ chiral gauge theory. The construction leverages bosonization and recently-proposed modifications of Villain-type lattice actions. The internal global symmetries act just as locally on the lattice as they do in the continuum, the anomalies are reproduced at finite lattice spacing, and in each case we’ve found a sign-problem-free dual formulation.
鈴木勝彦, 海底資源センター
[金茶会] 海洋鉱物資源:放射光や同位体を用いた有用金属濃集プロセスの研究から環境影響評価まで
Xiaojun Yao, Univ. of Washington
[QCD theory seminar] When is axial gauge applicable?
Axial gauge has been used in many perturbative calculations. However, it sometimes leads to puzzling results. In this talk, I will discuss a specific example in the context of heavy quark and quarkonium transport coefficients, where naive application of temporal axial gauge leads to an incorrect result. Then I will discuss the origin of the problem from both perturbative and nonperturbative aspects. Finally I will summarize the applicability condition of axial gauge and give a few examples.
Ippei Obata, KIPMU
Parity-violating scalar trispectrum from axion inflation