Stefan Lederer, Tokyo U of science
Excited bound states and their role in dark matter production
I will discuss the impact of highly excited bound states on the evolution of number densities of new physics particles, focusing on dark matter, in the early Universe. In case of non-Abelian gauge interactions, which source dipole interactions between fundamental particles, highly excited states can prevent the particles from freezing, supporting a continuous depletion in the regime consistent with perturbativity and unitarity. Unitarity violation does in fact arise systematically, that is even for arbitrary small interaction strengths, once sufficiently highly excited states become relevant at low velocities. Novel analytic expressions for bound state formation, which we found recently, allow to accurately compute the freeze-out dynamics down to very low temperatures. I will highlight the importance of bound states to dark SU(N) sectors. For a more concrete dark matter model, I will focus on a colored and charged t-channel mediator model in the regime of superWIMP production. Here, excited states render the mediator depletion efficient all the way until its decay, introducing a dependence of the dark matter density on the mediator lifetime as a novel feature. Refrence: [arXiv: 2308.01336, 2411.08737]
Kohei Fujikura, The University of Tokyo
Critical behavior of the Schwinger model via gauge-invariant VUMPS
In this talk, I discuss the Hamiltonian formulation of lattice gauge theory using the uniform matrix product state and its application to the single flavor Schwinger model. We perform simulations based on the variational uniform matrix product state (VUMPS) algorithm with a gauge-invariant matrix product ansatz that locally enforces the Gauss law constraint. Both the continuum and lattice versions of the Schwinger model with θ = π are known to exhibit first-order phase transitions for fermion masses above a critical value, at which a second-order phase transition occurs. Our algorithm enables a precise determination of the critical point in the continuum theory.
Niu Wan, South China University of Technology
Variational calculations on multineutron system and nuclear matter with realistic nuclear force
Recently, resonance-like signals for 4n system were reported in experiment. By confining finite 3n and 4n systems in external potential, we use tensor-optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics and inverse analytical continuation in the coupling constant method to study the possibility of the resonances. Consistent results are obtained, however, evident dependence on external attraction is observed. Besides, we also study the infinite nuclear matter with unitary correlation operator method and high-momentum pairs.
The former is employed to treat the short-range nucleon-nucleon correlation, while the latter is for the tensor correlation. The equations of state for both neutron matter and symmetric nuclear matter are obtained as well as the Hamiltonian components. Calculations by adding hyperons into these systems in the future are also discussed.
[1] Niu Wan, Takayuki Myo, Hiroki Takemoto, Mengjiao Lyu, Qing Zhao, Hisashi Horiuchi, Masahiro Isaka, and Akinobu Dote, under review.
[2] Niu Wan, Takayuki Myo, Hiroki Takemoto, Hiroshi Toki, Chang Xu, Hisashi Horiuchi, Masahiro Isaka, Mengjiao Lyu, and Qing Zhao, Physical Review C 106, 034308 (2022).
[3] Niu Wan, Takayuki Myo, Chang Xu, Hiroshi Toki, Hisashi Horiuchi, and Mengjiao Lyu, Chinese Physics C 44, 124104 (2020).
[4] Takayuki Myo, Hiroki Takemoto, Mengjiao Lyu, Niu Wan, Chang Xu, Hiroshi Toki, Hisashi Horiuchi, Taiichi Yamada, and Kiyomi Ikeda, Physical Review C 99, 024312 (2019).
This seminar is included in KEK Theory Center one-day workshop “Nuclear Physics with Strangeness and Clusters”.
Mengjiao Lyu, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Hypernuclear structure studied with Controlled Neural Network approach
We investigate the hypernuclear cluster states of Λ9−11Be and Λ12B using the Control Neural Networks (Ctrl.NN) method,which demonstrates rapid convergence in basis state selection compared to traditional GCM calculations. For Λ9−11Be,the numerical results reproduce ground state energies and rotational bands consistent with experiments, revealing a short-range repulsive correlation between the Λ particle and α clusters,leading to a broad Λ distribution termed an “”analog pi-orbit”” structure. For Λ12B, we extend the Ctrl.NN method to calculate the positive-parity spectrum, incorporating sd-shell excitations and parity-coupling effects. Structural changes, including clustering effects and new configurations such as isosceles-triangle and α-t-α linear-chain structures, are revealed. Experimental peaks #6 and #8 are identified as p-Λ dominant states, consistent with shell-model predictions, and candidates for unexplained peaks are proposed. Cluster-shell competition, driven by nuclear forces and Pauli blocking, is found to be critical in Λ12B, where low-lying states exhibit shell-like structures, while clustered states near the α+α+t threshold show broad distributions. The third 3/2− state is identified as an analog Hoyle state, providing a platform to study cluster-breaking effects through binding energy, radius, and γ-transition analyses. These results highlight the interplay between cluster formation, Λ-induced modifications, and unified descriptions of nuclear structure via advanced models like Ctrl.NN.
[1] J. Tian, Z. Cheng, C. Yu, M. Lyu, T. Myo et al., Phys. Lett. B 855,138816 (2024).
[2] Z. Cheng, M. Lyu, T. Myo et al., arXiv:2406.15060.
[3] M. Iodice, F. Cusanno, A. Acha, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 052501 (2007).
This seminar is included in KEK Theory Center one-day workshop “Nuclear Physics with Strangeness and Clusters”.
古城徹, KEK理論センター
[金茶会] From hadrons to quarks in neutron stars
Zong-Gang Mou, Southampton University
Real-Time Path Integral and Sewed Thimble
The general computation of Quantum Field Theory scales exponentially with the system size. Such exponential scaling has been successfully circumvented in many calculations via Monte Carlo methods. Although Monte Carlo methods will encounter the so-called numerical sign problem in some interesting physics scenarios, due to the presence of highly oscillatory functions. This can be systematically improved by Lefschetz thimble methods, which choose another less oscillatory integration contour in the complex space while keeping the same result according to Cauchy’s integral theorem. In the talk, we would like to show the real-time path integral is the perfect place for the thimble approaches, as after rearranged into an initial value problem, there exists one and only one solution/critical-point/thimble. Given the singleness of the critical point, we reexamine the Lefschetz thimble and this time in light of the Generalized Thimble/Cauchy’s integral theorem, we introduce another family of integration cycles, sewed thimbles. The integration over these surfaces exactly reproduces the required result and the Lefschetz thimble will be recovered in a particular limit.
吉村浩司, 岡山大学異分野基礎科学研究所
[金茶会] 超高精度「原子核時計」で探る基礎物理
トリウムの同位体であるトリウム229は、原子核として極めて特異な約8 eVという非常に低いエネルギーの励起準位(アイソマー準位)を持ち、レーザー光による直接的な励起が可能な唯一の原子核として注目を集めている。原子核は外部場の影響をほとんど受けないため、極めて安定した量子状態を実現することが可能である。もしレーザーを用いた原子核の制御が可能となれば、従来の原子時計を凌駕する精度を持つ「原子核時計」の実現へと繋がり、その波及効果は基礎物理学の革新に留まらず、産業や社会に多大な恩恵をもたらすと期待されている。トリウム229の特異性は1970年代から科学者の注目を集め、研究が進められてきたが、その詳細な特性は長らく謎に包まれていた。しかし、2016年にドイツの研究グループがアイソマー準位からの電子放出遷移を初めて観測したことで、この分野の研究は飛躍的な進展を遂げて、2024年には大きなマイルストーンとして、レーザーによるトリウム229の励起がついに実現した。この成果を受け、今後、世界各国で原子核時計の開発競争が本格化すると予想される。本講演では、こうした最近の原子核時計研究の進展について概観し、基礎物理学への応用や、その発展がもたらす科学的・技術的な可能性について展望する。
Shota Komatsu, CERN
Einstein Gravity from a Matrix Integral
We formulate and test holography between a supersymmetric mass deformation of the Ishibashi-Kawai-Kitazawa-Tsuchiya (IKKT) matrix model and type IIB supergravity backgrounds with exceptional F4 supersymmetry. This is arguably the simplest example of holography in which the dual description contains Einstein gravity. We conjecture a one-to-one correspondence between saddle points of matrix integral and supergravity backgrounds, and test it through the supersymmetric localization of the matrix integral.
Tejhas Kapoor, IJCLab Orsay
New physics searches via angular distributions of B -> D* l nu ( l = e, mu, tau) decays
Angular distributions are powerful probes to search for new physics signals and constrain the Standard Model parameters. The Belle collaboration has analyzed the B -> D* l nu (l = e, nu) distribution to constrain Vcb and B -> D* form factors. Using the newly released lattice QCD data along with the experimental data, we constrain new physics parameters and obtain correlations between new physics parameters and form factors to understand the hadronic uncertainties better. In the next step, to study B -> D* tau nu decay, we build a measurable angular distribution by considering the additional tau -> mu nu nu decay, and perform a sensitivity study with pseudo experimental data, indicating 5-6% sensitivity on right-handed and tensor currents.
Xiaoyang Wang, RIKEN- iTHEMS
Imaginary Hamiltonian variational ansatz for the Schwinger model and combinatorial optimization problems