Accl. Lab. Topics / Topics 2023-11-09 The APS 2024 Robert R. Wilson Prize awarded to Prof. Kaoru Yokoya, Diamond Fellow of KEK
IPNS Topics / KEK News / Topics 2023-11-02 Belle II passes an Exciting Milestone with the Successful Installation of a New Vertex Detector
IPNS Topics / Topics 2023-10-04 Belle II Experiment: The first evidence for a very rare decay of the B meson
Accl. Lab. Topics / Topics 2023-10-03 Former Director of Accelerator Laboratory, Katsunobu Oide, Received Rolf Wideröe Award
Accl. Lab. Topics / Topics 2023-08-24 Dr. Kenta Futatsukawa received the 19th Particle Accelerator Society of Japan Award for Technological Contribution, and Dr. Masakazu Yoshioka received the 19th Particle Accelerator Society of Japan Award for Distinguished Services.
Accl. Lab. Topics / Topics 2023-05-17 SOKENDAI student’s paper was selected as Editors’ suggestion in Physical Review Accelerators and Beams! – Machine study revealed beam oscillations not predicted by the theory –
KEK News / Topics 2022-12-26 World’s First Direct Observation of Electron and Positron Capture Process at the Positron Source of the SuperKEKB B‑factory
Accl. Lab. Topics / Topics 2022-11-02 Dr. Min Yang received Isamu Abe Prize at the PCaPAC 2022 workshop