ILC International Working Group Established -- First Meeting Held in Granada
KEK established the International Working Group on the International Linear Collider (ILC) project to discuss issues such as international cost sharing. The First Meeting of the Working Group was held on Friday, 17 May, in Granada, Spain.
At the Linear Collider Board meeting held on 7 March at The University of Tokyo, the Ministry of Education, Sports, Culture, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan presented its views concerning the ILC project. During the presentation, MEXT expressed anticipation for establishing an International Working Group, to be led by KEK, in order to advance the discussions by domestic and international communities of researchers on issues such as international cost sharing. Following this statement, KEK established the International Working Group, consisting of 2 members from Europe, 2 members from North America, and 3 members from Asia (including Japan).
The Working Group will use the July 2015 update of the Project Implementation Planning, which originally accompanied the ILC Technical Design Report, as a starting point of discussions, and will further investigate and update the following points:
● Model of international cost-sharing for construction and operation
Study the 250 GeV ILC version of the construction cost based on the ILC-TDR cost estimate and propose a model for the construction describing: (a) items that are appropriate for the host responsibility, and (b) items that should be shared by all partners. Propose a model for sharing the operational and decommissioning cost.
● Organization and governance of the ILC Laboratory
Propose an organizational and governance model of the ILC Laboratory as well as the ILC Pre-Lab.
● International sharing of the remaining technical preparation
Present a technical preparation plan in the preparation phase to solve the technical issues pointed out in the MEXT’s ILC Advisory Panel report and the Science Council of Japan’s report, including the possibility of international cooperation.
The Working Group is requested to submit a report to the KEK Director-General by the end of September 2019. The report will be submitted to MEXT and will be used by MEXT for discussions with other governments.
Members of the International Working Group:
〇Klaus Desch | Professor, University of Bonn |
〇Andrew J. Lankford | Professor, University of California at Irvine |
〇Kajari Mazumdar | Professor, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research |
〇Patricia McBride | Distinguished Scientist, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
〇Shinichiro Michizono | Professor, KEK, Accelerator Laboratory |
〇Yasuhiro Okada | Executive Director, KEK *Chair |
〇Claude Vallée | Senior Researcher, CNRS/IN2P3/CPPM |