Year 2019

"We are committed to making the ILC a success"
- LCWS participants publish "Sendai Statement" in support of the International Linear Collider-
President of the Republic of Slovenia visits KEK Tsukuba and informs the decoration of the Republic of Slovenia to Dr. Yamauchi Visit of the First Lady of Niger KEK publishes the International Working Group's Recommendations for International Linear Collider Shaken and stirred: Scientists capture the deformation effect of shock waves on a material The first KEK Scientific Advisory Committee meeting held in Tokyo STF-2 Beam Operation Demonstrates ILC Specifications ILC International Working Group Established -- First Meeting Held in Granada Undergraduate Students from the Radboud University Nijmegen visit KEK and J-PARC To J-PARC Users : Announcement on the suspension of the J-PARC main ring user operation To KEK users: Update on the fire in the accelerator structure assembly room at the electron-positron injector linac building KEK presented its plan for the ILC project in Lausanne To KEK Users: On the fire in the accelerating structure assembly room at the electron-positron injector linac Fire in the accelerator structure assembly room at electron-positron injector linac Kick-off of the Belle II Phase 3 Physics Run ICFA responds to Japan's interest in the International Linear Collider and encourages its realisation School of High Energy Accelerator Science, SOKENDAI and Georgian Technical University signed agreements for a double-degree program MEXT explains its view on the ILC to ICFA The Workshop on Advanced Superconducting Materials and Magnets held at KEK SuperKEKB Phase 3 (Belle II Physics Run) Starts KOTO Experiment at J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility Broke World's Best Sensitivity on Rare Neutral Kaon Decay by an Order of Magnitude - first step forward elucidation of "matter-antimatter asymmetry" - Discovery of abundant ferromanganese microparticles in oxic pelagic sediments: New insights into the global budget of me 2019 New Year's Address Minuscule Gremlins Cause Vacuum Breakdown in Radio-Frequency Accelerating Cavities