To KEK Users: On the fire in the accelerating structure assembly room at the electron-positron injector linac


Dear KEK Users,

We sincerely apologize for the great inconvenience and concern arising from this fire. We are also deeply appreciative of the understanding and offers of assistance.

The location of the fire was in the accelerating structure assembly room, which is located at the southern end of the electron-positron injector building, and is separated by a wall from the injector linac used by SuperKEKB, the PF and the PF-AR. However, soot from the fire entered the injector area via gaps in the wall, and was found to have coated some of the equipment in the linac. The linac has been shut down for thorough cleaning and inspection, particularly of the electronics and high-voltage equipment, with a target date of April 22nd to start bringing the linac components back up for testing.

We are exerting our full efforts to restart operation of the linac as quickly and safely as possible, and will continue to inform you of our progress in a timely manner.

Yukihide Kamiya, Executive Director