Dear Users of IMSS facilities,
First of all, I sincerely apologize about the accident at the Hadron Experimental Facility of J-PARC on 23 May 2013. I aware that IMSS should take responsibilities for the accident, because it is an internal organization of KEK, and it operates and maintain many experimental apparatuses in Material and Life science experimental Facility (MLF) of J-PARC. IMSS, as a member of J-PARC and KEK, promises to make the best effort to restore the public confidence to the accelerator sciences which has been damaged through this accident.
Not only MLF facilities but also facilities in Tsukuba Campus, have to be checked their safety procedures and taken all necessary countermeasures. In addition, the awareness of crisis management should be raised among all staff concerning IMSS facilities.
Now all J-PARC facilities are being suspended and this situation will continue for some time. I hope that you kindly understand the current situation and continue your on-going support.
Kazuyoshi Yamada
Director of IMSS