IMSS has divisions for each research methodology and comprehensive research groups, that is, the Structural Biology Research Center, the Center for Integrative Quantum Beam Science.
This center promotes research and development of not only molecular and cell biology but also the field of structural biology that includes development of devices for analysis. Other activities include development of technology to increase the efficiency of research. Examples are crystallization of proteins, which is necessary for the structural analysis of proteins; development of robots to exchange samples; and collaboration servers and software for integration.
The Center for Integrative Quantum Beam Science (CIQuS) promotes "Cultivated Joint Usage" program that leads users to the multiple use of different quantum beams (multi-probe research) and supports them in three groups of analysis methods: surface structure, bulk structure, and heterogeneous structure. The CIQuS also promotes "Theme-driven Joint Research" in which staff members of the institute play a central role in setting up collaborative research programs that contribute to innovation, and solving problems through industry-university-government collaboration and international cooperation.