Photon Factory


Materials Science Section

Our research target is to identify the mechanism of materials functioning using X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS), X-ray microspectroscopy, and time-resolved XAFS and XRD. We have developed the more advanced and specialized analytical approaches in material science, especially in terms of multi-scale, multi-dimension, multi-modal, multi-beams and multi-materials.

leader Leader : Prof. Masao KIMURA

Main Research Projects

The Mater. Sci. Sec. operate facilities for materials science with the collaboration of the Photon Factory facility staff, including (a) five beamlines for XAFS: micro beam (BL-4A), high flux (BL-9A), in-situ (BL-9C), high throughput (BL-12C), and high energy (NW-10A), (b) four specialized ones: multi-modal imaging (BL-15A1), scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) (BL-19A/B), dynamic XAFS and X-ray microspectroscopy (NW-2A), dynamic XRD and XAFS (NW-14A) and (c) in-house apparatus such as X-CT and XRD.

Research Projects:


We have developed the more advanced and specialized analytical approaches in material science, especially in terms of multi-scale, multi-dimension, multi-modal, multi-beams and multi-materials. Thus, in Mater. Sci. Sec. we target scientific fields of our interests in terms of (1) heterogeneity, (2) surface/interface, and (3) dynamics, in order to presenting the best use of these facilities as well as scientific-interest-driven. We have tried to start or join various type of national projects or cooperative research with private companies not only to get funding but also to build human and scientific-network nation- and worldwide.

Related links:

The data-descriptive-science project, Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) 22H05109

Elucidation of fatigue deterioration mechanism and establishment of evaluation method to estimate the remaining life of CFRP laminates, JST-Mirai Program JPMJMI22C1

Aqua Planetology, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS)

Structural Materials for Innovation of the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SM4I, SIP), Japan Science and Technology (JST)
 Official : (in Japanese)

 KEK group : 


Masao Kimura [Professor]

e-mail :
Leader materials science, electrochemistry, mechanics(Metal, alloy, CFRP) researchmap

Hitoshi Abe [Associate Professor]

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Surface/interfaces, Catalysts, Energy relating materials XAFS, surface science, physical chemistry researchmap

Shunsuke Nozawa [Associate Professor]

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Development of X-ray time-resolved measurements nanotechnology, materials, energy chemistry researchmap

Keiki Fukumoto [Associate Professor]

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Development of off-line analytical measurements organic/inorganic semiconductors, ultrashort pulse laser researchmap

Daiki Kido [Assistant Professor]

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Rie Haruki [Researcher]

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Youngmin Kim [Researcher]

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UY, Mayrene Allam [Researcher]

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Integration of machine learning and topological data analysis into materials science materials science (superconductors, photovoltaics, scintillator and laser crystals), XAFS

Shigeru Yamamoto [Researcher]

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Development of short period undulators synchrotron radiation science, physical chemistry, structural biology

Kazuki Yoshida [Researcher]

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Investigation of the formation and reaction mechanisms of minerals in the oceanic lithosphere using X-ray microscopy. solid earth sciences, water-rock reaction

PYATENKO, Elizaveta [Researcher]