We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in and supported the event.
Quantum Beam Science Festa 2022 Executive Committee
"Structural analysis of a wide-area atomic boron sheet, borophene, on the Cu substrate" Yuta Yasui Tokyo Inst. of Tech. "Nb/Mo chemical order and proton position in an ionic conductor revealed by a combined technique of resonance X-ray diffraction, NMR, and neutron diffraction" Seiya Suzuki Tokyo Univ. of Sci. "Origin of p-type conductivity in wide bandgap oxide semiconductor Bi2WO6" Masaki Sakaguchi The Univ. of Tokyo "Internal motions of degraded polymers using Diffracted X-ray Blinking" Keita Hiromori Hiroshima Univ. "Evaluation of Photocatalytic Activity and Electronic Structure of Anatase/Rutile Heterojunction by Micro-Spectroscopy" Rena Inamasu The Univ. of Tokyo "Molecular Motion Measurements on Fluoroalkyl Acrylate Polymer Surface" |
2022 Quantum Beam Science Festa
Quantum beams now play an indispensable role as an important tool for research and development in a wide range of fields from academia to industry.The Photon Factory (PF) in KEK and Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) in J-PARC are located relatively close together, and new science is expanding by utilizing multiprobes that take advantage of the characteristics of synchrotron radiation, positrons, neutrons, and muons.
The Quantum Beam Science Festa, which began in 2015, has been held not only as a place to exchange information between facility staff and users, but also as a place to think about the future of quantum beam utilization through exchanges between researchers using different probes. This year, we conducted a questionnaire survey on the festa held online so far in anticipation of the post-corona era, and decided to hold plenary lectures and oral/poster presentation presentations, which were highly requested. In addition, PF Symposium and MLF Symposium will continue to be held online in a hybrid format so that we can provide as many users as possible with the latest information of the facilities.
With the development of information and communication technology, it has become possible to collect the latest research trends from the comfort of the laboratory, but we think that building a human network is still of great significance in realizing the fusion of cutting-edge measurement technology and advanced research using the quantum beams.
We hope that this will be an opportunity to provide "face-to-face" exchanges for the first time in four years, and hope that you will make great use of the communication there.
We sincerely look forward to your participation.
Quantum Beam Science Festa 2022
Executive Committee Chair Norifumi Yamada
Executive Vice Chair Noboru Miyata
Monday, March 13 to Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Tsukuba International Conference Center (Epochal)
* Online streaming is partially available
(3/13) MLF Symposium: Online
(3/14) PF Symposium: On-site (hybrid with online)
(3/15) Quantum Beam Science Festa
Morning (Keynote Speech): On-site (Hybrid with Online)
Afternoon (oral and poster presentations): On-site presentations only
Participation fee
Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) center,
Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society (CROSS),
PF User Association (PF-UA), J-PARC MLF Users Society
Ibaraki Prefecture, Tokai Village, Tsukuba City
Atomic Energy Society of Japan; Industrial Users Society for Neutron Application;
Japan Geoscience Union; Japanese Positron Science Society;
Particle Accelerator Society of Japan; Society of Muon and Meson Science of Japan;
The Chemical Society of Japan; The Crystallographic Society Of Japan;
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan; The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials;
The Japan Society of Applied Physics;
The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology;
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers;
The Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences;
The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science;
The Japanese Society for Neutron Science;
The Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research; The Magnetics Society of Japan; The Physical Society of Japan;
The Society of Materials Science, Japan; The Society of Polymer Science, Japan
Quantum Beam Science Festa Secretariat