The technique of liquid-microjet photoelectron (PE) spectroscopy has become an emerging field to study electronic structure of chemical, biological, or atmospheric relevant aqueous solutions, and this includes chemical-reaction products as well as high-energy radiation induced damage via secondary ionization and free electrons. The latest results and ongoing research topics of X-ray PE spectroscopy from liquid water and aqueous solution will be presented.
After a short overview of the current directions in the field, the first topic will cover the recent study on non-local relaxation processes after core-level ionization. Relaxation dynamics is revealed from resonant photoelectron spectroscopy measurements. For neat liquid water we find a unique de-excitation channel, involving core-hole delocalization, which is a signature of energy and charge transfer to a neighbor water molecule. In particular, the role of nuclear motion during decay, depending on the bonding structure, will be discussed. By comparing of results from H2O(aq) and D2O(aq) the recently described proton-transfer mediated (PTM) change separation process[1] is introduced, and then expanded to other molecules with the ability to form hydrogen bonds in solution.
The second part of the talk concentrates on photoelectron angular distribution (PAD) and electron scattering, which is closely related to probing depth. PE spectroscopy is well suited for determining solute density profiles across the liquid interface. However, correlation between measured signal and solute abundance is complicated, since important parameters, like ionization cross sections and PADs for ions and molecules but also accurate electron scattering cross sections in solution, are not known. First core-level PADs from liquid water and aqueous solution at a wide range of photon energies are reported. Although emission anisotropy is reduced compared to gas phase, PADs are found to not become fully isotropic, which in turn can be utilized to extract electron scattering ratios in the liquid[2]. Future applications and implications for interfacial depth-profile studies are discussed.
[1] S. Thürmer, M. Ončák, N. Ottosson, R. Seidel, U. Hergenhahn, S. E. Bradforth, P. Slavíček, B. Winter; Nat. Chem. 5: 590-596 (2013)
[2] S. Thürmer, R. Seidel, M. Faubel, W. Eberhardt, J. C. Hemminger, S. E. Bradforth, B. Winter; Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 173005 (2013)
アルキル鎖をカウンターイオンとするいわゆる擬1次元臭素架橋パラジウム錯体においては低温相がモット絶縁体、高温相が電荷密度波(CDW)状態となって いるが、最近、光で前者から後者へのマクロスコピックな転移、すなわち、光誘起相転移が近赤外ポンプ・プローブ法により発見された。本発表ではその概要を講演者の理論計算も交えてお話しし、さらに、上記のような分光学的検出の枠を超えて時間分解X線回折で直接に光 誘起 CDW秩序を検出する実験をご提案したい。なお、そこでのポイントは、そのような光誘起CDWの寿命が比較的長く、励起後500psで少なく とも系全体の15%程度の割合で残存していると言うことである。従って、PFにおいても原理的には検出可能と考えられるので、さらに詰めた技術的 課題などをご相談させて頂きたい。
Eu化合物EuNi2(Si1-xGex)2 (x = 0.79. 0.82 etc.)中のEuは低温・ゼロ磁場で混合原子価状態をとるが、約30Tの磁場の印加により価数が急激に変化する。この現象は磁場誘起価数転移と呼ばれている。
ミニチュアパルス磁場を放射光施設に持ち込んで、強磁場下のX線吸収(XAS)とその磁気円二色性 (XMCD)を測定する実験技術は、最近わが国で開発されたものであるが、磁場誘起価数転移の研究に最も適した研究手段である。松田ら[1]は、40Tまでの強磁場下でEuNi2(Si0.18Ge0.82)2の硬X線によるEu L3端XASとXMCDを測定したが、XASで観測された価数は磁化の実験データと整合しないことがわかった。その上、磁化をほとんど持たないはずのEu3+の成分が、XMCDにおいて異常に大きな信号をもつことが観測された。これらの問題点を解決するために、われわれは新しい理論計算を実行するとともに、中村らと協力して軟X線によるEu M45端のXASとXMCDの実験をおこなった [2]。理論計算では、磁場誘起価数転移が1次転移であること、Eu3+成分はVan Vleck常磁性をもつこと、および磁性不純物の効果を取り入れた。計算結果は実験の磁化曲線をよく再現し、また、価数は硬X線実験結果よりかなり小さいはずであることを示した [2, 3]。一方、軟X線XASとXMCDの実験スペクトルはこの計算結果によく一致した [2]。また、これらの理論と実験の結果は、VanVleck常磁性の寄与は十分小さく、硬X線のXMCDにおけるEu3+の大きな信号はEu3+の4f電子磁化に起因するものでないことを明瞭に示した。最後に、われわれはこの理論を温度変化によって引き起こされる価数転移の計算に拡張し、既存の実験結果とよく一致する結果を得ることに成功した[3]。
[1] Y. H. Matsuda et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77, 054713 (2008); Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 046402 (2009).
[2] T. Nakamura et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, 114702 (2012).
[3] A. Kotani and T. Nakamure, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, 044710 (2013).
オリビン型遷移金属酸化物A2BO4(Pnma; 斜方晶)は、Aサイトに配置し
[1, 2]。このマルチフェロイック特性の起源解明のため中性子線回折実験を行っ
[1] J. S. White, T. Honda, K. Kimura, T. Kimura, Ch. Niedermayer, O. Zaharko, A. Poole, B. Roessli, and M. Kenzelmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 077204 (2012).
[2] T. Honda, Y. Ishiguro, H. Nakamura, Y. Wakabayashi, and T. Kimura, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, 103703 (2012).
[3] T. Honda et al., in preparation.
>>Abstract [PDF]
The orbital degree of freedom and electronic correlation play crucial role on the magnetic order and superconducting pairing in ironpnitide superconductors. In this talk, I will first illustrate that the orbital ordering and striped antiferromagnetism in the parent phase of LaOFeAs are closely related to a tetragonal-orthorhombic structural phase transition. The electron-lattice coupling, incorporating with intermediate electron correlation, stabilizes not only the ferro-orbital order and the spin-density-wave state, but also the small magnetic moment in the orthorhombic phase. Further, in studying the evolution of magnetic configurations with band fillings, we find that the ground state phase diagram of KxFe2-ySe2 compounds, besides the striped antiferromagnetic metal, a Neel antiferromagnetic metal without orbital ordering is observed, and an orbital selective Mott transition accompanied by an intermediate-spin to high-spin transition is also found. This gives a possible scenario of the orbital selective Mott phase in KxFe2-ySe2. These results demonstrate that the band filling, electron correlation and lattice distortion control the Fermi surface topology, electronic state and magnetism of ironpnitide superconductors.
The relationship between spin excitations and unconventional superconductivity has been and continues to be the subject of considerable experimental and theoretical scrutiny. While the underdoped and optimally doped regions of the phase diagrams of unconventional superconductors have been extensively studied there have been few studies of the spin excitations in the overdoped region. Here we report an inelastic neutron scattering study of an overdoped sample of the unconventional superconductor Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 with x=0.11 and TC = 12 K. At energies below 40 meV the spin excitations are much broader and weaker when compared to samples close to optimal doping. Despite the weakness of the spin excitations a broad spin resonance is still observed at an energy of ~6.5 meV at the wave vector (0.5 0.5 0). This corresponds to a value of 6.5 KBTC which is substantially larger than the value of 4.5 KBTC found for many Fe-based superconductors. Above 40 meV well defined spin excitations are observed which extend to energies at least as high 300 meV. This energy scale equals or surpasses the energy scale of the spin excitations previously observed in the parent compound BaFe2As2. This work demonstrates that strong spin excitations extend well into the overdoped region of the phase diagram and are available as a source of pairing within a spin fluctuation mediated picture.
Glasses and other amorphous solids are widely used for their mechanical,
optical and electronic properties, yet the correlation between
properties and structure is poorly understood. One missing link is
“medium-range-order” (MRO) which often arises from topological atomic
structure. While important to properties, MRO has been notoriously hard
to study because conventional diffraction gives only short-range order.
Using coherent diffraction techniques such as Fluctuation Electron
Microscopy (FEM)(1) , this problem can be solved. We describe the
techniques and its applications to amorphous semiconductors in detail.
The use of transmission electron diffraction and x-ray diffraction is
discussed. We also review some other applications, including the promise
of FEM’s use in studying partially-ordered organic and biological
[1] Gibson, J. M.; Treacy, M. M. J.; Sun, T.; et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, p125504 (2012).
深い性質のために、盛んに研究がされている。これらの多彩な性質はd 軌道の非
等方的な形状に起因し、電子の電荷・スピン・軌道の自由度が複雑に絡み合った系となっている。このような物質では電荷/スピン/軌道の秩 序現象がよく見ら
展してきた実験手法である共鳴軟X線散乱について紹 介する。
の軌道や磁気の情報を直接得ることができる。通常のX線散乱で は強度の弱い磁
かに小さくても有効であるなど、これまでの散乱のデメ リットを大きく克服し
Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3薄膜の磁気転移[1]や 層状Co酸化物SrCo6O11で見られる複雑な磁
[1] H. Wadati et al., arXiv:1111.4725v1, arXiv:1304.0337v1.
らその多彩で非自明な磁気相転移について理論と実験の両面から研究さ れてき
自発的に格子を歪めてフラストレーションを部分的に解消すると いうスピン・格子結合効果が数多く報告され盛んに研究されてきた。
性を反映して)その多くが異方的であり、系の対称性を低下させる。 我々はこの
で系のフラストレーションの度合いを変化させ、磁気相転移 を制御することを
を用い、この単結晶試料に対して三角格子面内 方向に一軸圧力を加えて、帯磁
一軸圧力がCuFeO2の磁気相転移に 与える影響について議論する。また、関連す
報を得るために、低温の磁 気秩序相内で見られる超格子反射に対して共鳴X線散
乱実験をFe, CuのK端で行った結果についても紹介する。
反応機構や性能決定因子を体系的に理解すべく多角的な検討を行ってきた。 講演では、これまでの正極材料の研究成果と
Autophagy is important for cytosolic quality control. The LC3 is known as a marker protein of autophagosomal membranes. Autophagy adaptor proteins bring ubiquitinated substrates to autophagosomes by binding to LC3 through its LC3 interacting region (LIR), thereby regulating selective autophagy. We recently reported TBC1D5 as a potential autophagy adaptor protein. TBC1D5 contains two LIRs. The N-terminal LIR of TBC1D5 (which interacts with LC3) can also bind to VPS29, another component of the Retromer complex (VPS29, VPS26 and VPS35) that regulates the recycling of receptor proteins from the endosome to the trans-Golgi network. Therefore, this atypical N-terminal LIR, together with the C-terminal LIR of TBC1D5 could bridge the trafficking events between the endosome and autophagosome. We studied the structures of this N-terminal atypical LIR of TBC1D5 and its recognition mechanisms to VPS29 and LC3. In this seminar, I would like to talk about the molecular basis for this unique binding of TBC1D5 to Retromer complex.
機械的な「力」を積極的に利用して、有機分子の化学変化や構造変化を引 き起こす研究に注目が集まっている。しかしマクロな「力」が、サブナ ノオー ダーの存在である分子に対して作用する際の詳細なメカニズムについては明らか になっていない。
単結晶-単結晶相転移は、ある結晶形が外部刺激によって別の結晶系へと、結 晶外形や均一度を保ちながら変化する現象で、有機分子の結晶では比較 的珍し い。単結晶-単結晶相転移を引き起こす外部刺激としては、熱、圧力、光などが 知られている。我々は、新しい有機金(I)錯体を合成し、機械 的刺激に対する挙 動を調べた。その結果、この結晶の一部分に対して機械的刺激を与えると、結晶 構造の変化が結晶全体に伝搬する現象を発見した。圧 力などや熱によって結晶 構造が変化する例は多数知られているが、微小な機械的刺激による単結晶-単結 晶相転移については、我々の知る範囲ではこれ が最初の例である。この現象に おいては、マクロな機械的刺激が分子レベルの構造変化につながっている点で興 味深い。
In this post genomics era, protein crystallography is gaining an extra dimension as it develops into dynamic crystallography. Along this dimension, a desired control parameter is varied to initiate a reaction, to stimulate a response, or to perturb a structure from its steady state. In the meanwhile, a sequence of ever-evolving structures is monitored to gain mechanistic insights into the working machinery of a protein. Although this is very much a forward-looking description of protein crystallography in the foreseeable future, a few recent examples have already strived to move in the right direction. Some of the chief difficulties have been overcome; others are being worked on. Nearly 300 tetrameric hemoglobin structures are accumulated in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) since the conception of protein crystallography. Although none of these static structures is associated with an experimental time resolution, the entire collection encapsulates functional dynamics along an extensive reaction pathway.
I will discuss a meta-analysis of PDB that results in a reverse engineered cooperative mechanical device. Time-resolved experiments with ultrafast time resolution aim at filling the gap revealed by the meta-analysis. The experimental time resolution of 100 ps limited by the pulse length of a circular synchrotron X-ray source is challenged by a new strategy of placing a much shorter laser pump pulse within the X-ray probe pulse. I will also demonstrate that an asymmetric state of an invertebrate hemoglobin communicates structural signal for cooperative oxygen binding, and the ultrafast structural responses to ligand photodissociation that lead towards the crucial intermediate state.
(1) Z. Ren, P.W.Y. Chan, K. Moffat, E.F. Pai, W.E. Royer Jr., V.
Šrajer & X. Yang,
Resolution of structural heterogeneity in dynamic crystallography,
Acta Cryst. D,
in press, 2013.
(2) Z. Ren, V. Šrajer, J.E. Knapp & W.E. Royer, Cooperative
macromolecular device revealed by meta-analysis of static and time-resolved structures,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 107-112, 2012.
(3) X. Yang, Z. Ren, J. Kuk & K. Moffat, Temperature-scan
reveals reaction intermediates in bacteriophytochrome, Nature 479, 428-432,
(4) T. Graber, P. Anfinrud, H. Brewer, Y.-S. Chen, H.-S. Cho, N.
Dashdorj, R.W.
Henning, I. Kosheleva, G. Macha, M. Meron, R. Pahl, Z. Ren, S. Ruan, F.
Schotte, V. Šrajer, P.J. Viccaro, F. Westferro & K. Moffat, BioCARS: a
synchrotron resource for time-resolved X-ray science, J. Synchrotron
Rad. 18,
658-670, 2011.
Multi-edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy is a powerful approach to obtain direct experimental information about the electronic and geometric structures of transition metal complexes with unoccupied d-orbital manifolds. X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopic measurements and molecular orbital-based analysis of pre-edge and rising-edge features can provide information about the orbital contribution and effective nuclear charge of an absorber. These are key electronic structural informations to define quantitatively the degree of covalent and ionic interactions involving the absorber. Data obtained in the energy range of hard, tender, and soft X-rays provide metal p, ligand p and metal d for third row main group elements and second row transition metals, and metal d and ligand p for first row transition metals and second row main group elements, respectively. The multi-edge Extended Absorption Fine Structure analysis has the potential to define atomic positional coordinates for non-crystalline samples with accuracy that is comparable to small molecule crystallography.
The presentation will highlight case studies to demonstrate the power of
using multi-edge XAS measurements through examples obtained from the
beamlines of Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource in Menlo Park
CA, Advanced Light Source in Berkeley CA, Synchrotron Research Center in
Stoughton WI, and the Canadian Light Source in Saskatoon Canada.
Transition metal complexes studied will include biomimetic compounds of
FeFe-hydrogenase metalloenzyme, non-innocent Cu and Ni pincer type
complexes, precatalysts for Pd-based homogeneous organometallic reactions.
Key references:
Rokhsana D., Howells A.E., Dooley D.M., Szilagyi R.K.:
Role of the Tyr-Cys Cross-link to the Active Site Properties of
Galactose Oxidase Inorganic Chemistry, 2012, 51(6), 3513-3524
Giles L.J., Grigoropoulos A., Szilagyi R.K.:
Multi-Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Part I: XANES Analysis of a
Biomimetic Model of FeFe-Hydrogenase
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2012, 116(50), 12280-12298
Queen M.S., Towey B.D., Murray K.A., Veldkamp B.S., Byker H.J., Szilagyi
Electronic Structure of [Ni(II)S4] Complexes from S K-edge X-ray
Absorption Spectroscopy
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2013, 257(2), 564-578
Mossin S., Tran B.L., Adhikari D., Pink M., Heinemann F.W., Sutter J.,
Szilagyi RK, Meyer K., Mindiola D.J.
A Mononuclear Fe(III) Single Molecule Magnet with a 3/2 <-> 5/2 spin
The Journal of American Chemical Society, 2012, 134(33), 13651-13661