
KEK, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, is one of the world's leading accelerator science research laboratories, using high-energy particle beams and synchrotron light sources to probe the fundamental properties of matter. With state-of-the-art infrastructure, KEK is advancing our understanding of the universe that surrounds us, its mechanisms and their control.
Established in 1997 in a reorganization of the Institute of Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo (established in 1955), the National Laboratory for High Energy Physics (established in 1971), and the Meson Science Laboratory of the University of Tokyo (established in 1988), KEK serves as a center of excellence for domestic and foreign researchers, providing a wide variety of research opportunities. In addition to the activities at the Tsukuba Campus, KEK is now jointly operating a high-intensity proton accelerator facility (J-PARC) in Tokai village, together with the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Over 600 scientists, engineers, students and staff perform research activities on the Tsukuba and Tokai campuses. KEK attracts nearly 100,000 national and international researchers every year (total man-days), and provides excellent research facilities and opportunities to many students and post-doctoral fellows each year.

What's CERN office at KEK?

CERN office at KEK was established in 2014 to facilitate and enhance joint works on future accelerator projects and other related scientific projects of common interest.

We provides services below to the visitor from CERN.

  • An office room at KEK with sufficient office supplies.

  • Procedure supports for work and other permits, the visitor's legal status as well as their integration in the local area of the KEK.

  • Support the execution of CERN-KEK agreements and setting up future agreements.

  • Follow up the planning and execution of visits, short-term exchange of personnel the exchange and/or transport of hardware components.

  • Support in arranging joint meetings, workshops and training.

  • Assist in other practical or formal matters.