Office Usage

Location of the CERN office at KEK
  • Address:
    4F-Bldg.K02(Ni-Go-Kan), KEK Tsukuba Campus
  • Phone:

* Security card is required for access besides business hours.
  (business hours is between 8:00 and 20:00)

* The security card is as same as your ID card.

  For further details, please refer to this page.  

  • Map:
    CERN Office at KEK is located on the fourth floor of the Building No. 2 at Tsukuba Campus ("K02" of ZONE-K at the Map).
    The room number is 403. The KEK Campus Map can be found here.

How to use the office space

Please make a reservation HERE.
It is better to complete the reservation before you visit to KEK.

  • Address:
    KEK International Office (1F-Bldg.K02(Ni-Go-Kan), KEK Tsukuba Campus)
    1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801, Japan
  • email:

* The detailed information will be sent to you once your reservation
 is comfirmed.

  • In-room facility:
    desk, chair, drawers, monitor, keyboard, mouse, DVD drive, partition, cabinet, phone, kettle, stationary, hanger rack, heating unit
  • Common facility (4F):
    printer, shredder, coffee machine, sink, microwave, fridge

About printer:
A network printer is available nearby the office.


Room Layout

Photo of the room

room-image1 room-image2