Seminars in FY 2002

Organizers: akiya.miyamoto (Division II) and takeshi.komatsubara (Division III)

  Wed  Mar 26: Makoto C. Fujiwara (Univ. of Tokyo/CERN)
                Production and Detection of Cold Antihydrogen Atoms
                 [pdf file]

  Mon  Mar 24: Ichiro Suzuki (FNAL)
                The CMS experiment and US-CMS DAQ projects
                 [pdf file]

  Wed  Mar 12: Charles J. Hailey (Columbia Univ.)
                Gaseous Antiparticle Spectrometer (GAPS) 
                for detection of space-based antimatter
                 [pdf file]


  Fri  Feb 21: C. Rangacharyulu (Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada)
                Spin Correlations of Proton Pairs 
                as Tests of Bell's and Wigner Inequalities
                 [pdf file]

  Mon  Feb 17: Eric D. Zimmerman (Univ. of Colorado)
                MiniBooNE at Six Months


  Tue  Jan 28: Yasuhiro Masuda (KEK)
                A New Ultracold Neutron Production for Neutron Confinement
                 [pdf file]

  Thu  Jan 23: Hiroyuki Sagawa (KEK)
                Update of CP Violation Study on B0->pi+pi- Decay
                 [pdf file]

  Tue  Jan 14: Makoto Sasaki (ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo)
                Very High Energy Particle Astronomy with
                All-sky Survey High Resolution Air-shower telescope (ASHRA)
                 [pdf file]


  Wed  Dec 11: Kunio Inoue (RCNS, Tohoku Univ.)
                First Results from KamLAND
                 [a paper-copy is available at the KEK Library]

  Tue  Dec 10: Jeff Wilkes (Univ. of Washington/KEK)
                WALTA: School-Network Cosmic Ray Detectors
                 [pdf file]

  Tue  Dec 03: Edward McKigney (Imperial College London)
                The International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
                 [pdf file]


  Tue  Nov 26: Yuri Kamyshkov (Univ. of Tennessee) 
                Searches for Baryon Instability Other than Proton Decay
                 [pdf file]

  Mon  Nov 25: Antonio Ereditato (INFN Napoli)
                CNGS beam and ICARUS
                 [pdf file]

  Tue  Nov 05: Ikaros Bigi (Univ. of Notre Dame)
                On Extracting V(cb) (and V(ub)) with small Uncertainty
                 [a paper-copy is available at the KEK Library]

  Tue  Oct 22: Yasuyuki Akiba (KEK)
                Results from PHENIX experiment at RHIC
                 [pdf file]

  Thu  Oct 10: Johanna Stachel (Univ. of Heidelberg)
                Probing the Quark-Gluon Plasma with ALICE at LHC
                 [a paper-copy is available at the KEK Library]

  Thu  Oct 10: Gerard 'tHooft (Univ. of Utrecht)
                Elementary Particles as Black Holes

  Tue  Oct 08: Emmanuel Paschos (Univ. of Dortmund/KEK)
                Neutrino interactions and their implications for Leptogenesis
                 [a paper-copy is available at the KEK Library]


  Tue  Sep 17: David Mzavia (Intermediate Energy Physics of DLNP, JINR)
                Forbidden and rare decay experiments of mu and pi mesons
                 [a paper-copy is available at the KEK Library]

  Tue  Sep 10: Alain de Lesquen (DAPNIA, SACLAY)
                Dark Matter search 
                in the French Modane Underground Laboratory (EDELWEISS experiment)
                 [a paper-copy is available at the KEK Library]


  Wed  Aug 21: Michael T. Ronan (LBL, UC Berkeley)
                LC Multi-Jet Higgs Physics and TPC Detector Studies
                 [a paper-copy is available at the KEK Library]


  Mon  Jul 08: Roger Cashmore (CERN), Peter Jenni (CERN), Les Robertson (CERN)
                Status of LHC Project, ATLAS, and Data Grid Project at CERN


  Tue  Jun 11: Kazunori Itakura (RIKEN BNL Research Center)
                Gluon saturation and geometric scaling in high energy hadron scattering
                 [a paper-copy is available at the KEK Library]

  Tue  Jun 04: Andreas Hoecker (LAL Orsay)
                CKM Quark Flavor Mixing -
                Implications of the most recent Results on CP Violation
                and Rare Decay Searches in the B and K Meson Systems
                 [a paper-copy is available at the KEK Library]


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Since 2003; Last update: 2003-August-06(Wed)